Redpill me on body count

How come guys are fine after fucking hundreds of girls but every girl who does this is fucked in the head.

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How many guys have fucked hundreds of girls?
It's actually hard to get laid when you're a guy.
A girl just has to not say no.

guys who fucks a lot are also fucked in their head they are scared to settle down.

Men don't see the women in front of them they see the perfect woman in the shape of that woman.

Women don't see the individual man before them they see the utility he can provide.

Men can switch between and idolize a new woman and abandon the old idol and he can go right back to it.

Once a woman loses the image of utility in a man it's far harder a thing to rebound.

how's dem sour grapes bucko ?


No guy is 'fine' after fucking hundreds of girls. How the fuck did you reach that conclusion?

Show flag, Kike, or everything you said just vindicated what he said.

A guy has to work at it. He has to have game.
>Any chubby bitch can be a slut.

the one to deflore imprints on da hoe. KYS

girls can't love again after fucking less than 5 dicks
every one dick a girl fucks is equal to 22 vagines for a dude

women are disgusting whores that are totally unmarriable

>scared to settle down
Haha. I've fucked over 150 women (I lost count somewhere around 80) but there aren't really many women over the age of 27 worth dealing with beyond a few lays. If she hasn't settled down by that point, she's probably damaged goods. As a man at that point, I can still go out and get 18 year olds to bang. As a man at 45, I can still fly to Colombia or Moldova or Vietnam or wherever and put a bun in the oven of some 23 year old slender chick. 45 year old western women are built like picrel.
This guy gets it.
How did you reach the opposite conclusion?

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>How many guys have fucked hundreds of girls?
>It's actually hard to get laid when you're a guy.

One date every two weeks for most of your 20's = hundreds of slays.

If you get one per week you're sailing - and that's not too hard. Any non-autistic freak can do that these days if they play the numbers game - it's a grind but can be done if you want to achieve it. I lost my virginity in my 20s and just got a few kills over the years then decided to actually "try" and got ~170 in four or five years (with large gaps, like 3-6mo here and there with zero) then stopped when I couldn't be bothered any more.

True slayers fuck like 10 girls in their teens then get married because it doesn't even interest them; it's so natural and easy they don't have to sperge out over it and push it that far.

How is your marriage going?
Or are you just running around the planet like some gross pervert, sniffing out whatever skanks your pervert ass can pull?

Humans are a sexually dimorphic species

The guys aren't fine. Manwhores suffer some form of narcissism, meaning any intact marriage is likely cold and loveless, kept merely for the sake of appearance, appearances being an almost idol to such people.

All of that is true. But as a guy that has fucked over 30 woman I can say it has messed up my mind a bit. Made me much less likely to settle down with any woman in the west because you realise how shit they are and entitled. You compare them to women from non-cucked countries where woman will still want to be feminine and take care of themselves. But not wanting to have an Eliot Rodger stops me from settling with one.

Pic related.

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Only the top 0.00001% of men get to fuck hundreds of girls, and the levels of wealth, health and privilege required to be in this category filters out a lot of mental instability. Meanwhile even the ugliest women can have sex with decently attractive guys on demand and thus it's not an equal comparison. You are comparing gigachad men to subaverage women. Even if men and women were identical in their evolutionary psychology (they aren't), you would still expect differences based on the selection biases involved.

>t. doesn't know about telegony
Oh sweaty