Have you thanked the LORD today for not being born a filthy bongoloid?

Have you thanked the LORD today for not being born a filthy bongoloid?

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you think pakis in switzerland aren't doing the same?
we actually done something about it, which is why you heard about it.

Have "we" though?

You’re the only place in the world where immigrants lure young white girls into sex slavery. A white girl goes missing in the usa and it’s national news media storm until she is found

Here's the article btw.
Read it if you feel like getting angry today,

What exactly have we done?

>You’re the only place in the world where immigrants lure young white girls into sex slavery.
Yeah, I'm completely sure that's true /s

I hear murder can overcome a politicians sense of unease about doing the right thing

Like I said, if a white girl goes missing, it’s blasted everywhere here, they even send texts messages to every phone in the area with persons/vehicles of interest. You’re the only place where it’s tolerated

I feel horrid that one of my ancestral homelands has to deal with Mohammadites.

If there are any Brits with any sense of honour they should do something about these aliens, for every child abused, kill two of them.

I saw this exact headline like 4 years ago but it was Rotherham. Youre not wrong but goddamn are you late to the party.

Muslims do this wherever they go. However its blacks doing it in your country, pimping out white girls. You have more interracial rapes/sexual abuse cases than us even per capita. In general you have more interracial crimes. But i will let you off because your country is a majority non white so these things happen.

Your country has criminally charged people who have spoken out about it, police have intimidated victims and the British media covers it up and refers to those who try to share the truth as “racists” because the presence of “racism” is apparently worse than having rape gangs made up mostly of foreigners.

Yes I recall that as well. My guess is it’s prevalent anywhere in the UK that has a sizable Muslim populace.

We have very few muslims in this country, and the few we do have are kept in concentration cities. We are unironically whiter than you now, even despite the fact we have never been a 100% white country like you once were :^). Enjoy your muslim/paki pm though

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>You’re the only place in the world where immigrants lure young white girls into sex slavery
>from that flag of all flags
Holy fucking shit, man

Whites are second class citizens in the u.s just like here. If what youre saying is true, why are there more rape cases in total and per capita in usa than uk? There are way more white children missing in usa than uk, youre a much more violent country. An example would be those two teenage whores he went to meet their black boyfriend and were killed by him while on video, that shit happened here and it would be all over the news, you probably havent even heard of it.

Every single day

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We both know that maps bullshit, or youre a retard. You are no way near as white as the uk. Thats a fact. Google is your friend. Also you have more muslims than us but muslims are tame compared to your nigger population that commits over 50% of the murders. Uk is over 80% white and we dont include hispanics, middle easterners etc.. as white like you guys do.

Sounds like we solved the mystery! Let's tell everyone in the thread so it doesn't become a gay D&C purity spiral of who has the worst browns.
Oh. Nevermind, I guess.

The guy is delusional he even thinks the usa is 76% white because they include non whites on the u.s.a census which they dont do in any other country.

Niggers are really naming their kids "Microsoft Word" to get that extra edge in the hiring process lmao

Your country is about to collapse, enjoy your royals are leaving
We are not, white christian nationalism is the litmus test for being republican going forward whilst the uk continues to crumble into complete irrelevancy. You have to take reports on rape for them to be counted, which you are proven to not do to cover it all up LOL

Hahahahaha maybe 10 years ago but 50% under 18 are not white there. UK is done. Mine is from the offical census retard

You have more rapes, im not arguing it with you its a statistical fact. You have more niggers, more muslims, more browns, more indians, more asians. You are worse off in every way. I wasnt going to get into a my countries better than yours argument with anyone until i saw the delusional yank living in the heart of globohomo talking like his countries shit dont stink. The reason we have non whites in our country is the usa's fault. We are owned by you.