
backup link at files.catbox.moe/sflsad.mp4

Video is linked to from the latest Guardians of the Looking Glass video

It speaks of a new social score system, where you can't buy or sell without their permission, basically requiring the vaccination

Anything you do online will tie into it supposedly

Different classes of citizen, Class C, common, Class R, Restricted, or Class Q, Quarantined, the worst one. No assets, freedom, and you have a vax requirement.

Class S, Sovereign, has all the freedoms, but no one in the patriot movement will have that. Insulting name too since that word seems to have come from the patriots.

Basically the white hats have a plan. I don't know what it is though.

Sounds exactly like the Beast system of revelations.

If it is, the system may collapse in on itself after seven years of abject misery for us.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-12 at 13-39-09 Wirehead on Gab 'Video by the Guardians of the Looking Glass br _ …'.png (448x252, 73.81K)

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I'm in a class of my own, beholden only to the Almighty God.

Oculumlabs.com has more info

Yeah, we're supposed to be sovereign, but this system is trying to cordon off masses into little subcategories to be punished accordingly

It wont work. Megalomanic plans never do.

>> white hats.
Go be an idiot boomer someplace else

What's zoomer-speak for 'the good guys' then

This. Thinking that "they're too powerful" is just buying into the propaganda that they're stupid enough to believe themselves. They pull this shit, a new government gets built overnight and they're on the streets. Simple as.

They probably already have this running in the background

There are no good guys, leaf. Only bad guys nd bad guys and bad guys.

Best of luck with that. The Lord will guide me

Yes and bad guys want power and will seize on the opportunity to oust hated tyrants for their own chance.

Soooo, BUY XRP now??

Attached: pondering.jpg (399x399, 46.68K)

amen brother

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yeah because we really did anything in the last 2 years

nobody in human history has been through the psyop and destruction that we endured

and we still don't do anything

You'll probably be fine if you live with meagre means and don't try to get into any hot skirmishes.

Protests are good though.

They are the tyrants in power.

Additional interview with the character in the video, Gideon, here:


USDR can be purchased already.

If the white hats have a plan, hopefully they implement it in a week or two. This whole, "Trust the plan, the plan being to just let our enemies plans all come to fruition." Doesn't seem to be working.

>oculum labs website hosted at wix.com

fake and homosexual

this USDR thing is pretty globohomo tho


>Basically the white hats have a plan.
And you want us to trust it, amirite?

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Bump it!

May Allah destroy anyone who is implementing, benefiting from, or carrying water for (((plans))) such as this, and keep The People strong upon Islam until the day of judgment when you will get to see (((“people”))) being cast into hellfire for their crimes against humanity and Allah.

What is USDR? Please elaborate. Something about special drawing rights?

what if you score a 0

About 7 years more of agenda 2030, what a coincidence

Provided there's a new social credit rating system coming it's to your benefit to figure out what will happen

"The plan" isn't going to un-wipe your assets when the shift happens, your own awareness will.

There’s no plan only daily acts of counter Semitism

in just two more weeks!

Quarantine class. You get clot shots and lose your assets.

Just two more weeks, for real this time.

It's more like Class J and Class G

Uhh not true we have tons treaties and constitutions predicting this shit

Based knower. This guy knows.