NASA’s Webb Captures Dying Star’s Final ‘Performance’ in Fine Detail

NASA’s Webb Captures Dying Star’s Final ‘Performance’ in Fine Detail

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This just further convinces me that space doesn't exist. Keep spouting your nasa bullshit. Stare at this obvious photoshop with your jaw agape like you're ready to suck science's sweaty cock again. You never did the math yourself but believe everything they say. You might as well be sucking off dudes.

i FUCKING love SCIENCE ! ! !

Bottom of the barrel as far as bread and circus antics.

Never change.

>Obvious photoshop
>Visible effects of gravitation and wave propagation in outer parts of nebula
Yeah no govt funded photoshop job is going to put in that much effort.

Does it hurt to be this autistic?

Fake and gay

Attached: flatandstationary.webm (964x1166, 2.62M)

Why are the jews pushing space pictures so hard?

Screw you I heckin' love science!

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yeah nice arguments. Braindead and fully vaxxed?

Load of bullshit useless crap.
Go build a moon base or work on going to other places, staring at shit 13 billion light years away is fucking pointless.

FPBP -- dont ever stop being you

Attached: FPBP.jpg (509x423, 38.54K)


Rucking kek

the earth spins and rotates you kike.


permanently, you say?

have a close-up

Attached: IMG_20220712_215313.jpg (731x710, 198.52K)

In principle, you can see some nebulae for yourself, with a inexpensive telescope and maybe an optical filter. You can also take your own pictures and you'll see that it requires heavy post-processing, but it's not completely fake.

my sides

We need to find a way to harvest this gas and dust.

Im stuck on this shitty rock when i should be out there taking samples of the nova.

Fuck this century.

There has never been a batter time to make cover art for spped metal bands.

Only if you can demonstrate that somehow it can make Jews richer, or increase the brown populations on the planet Earth.

>final performance
>star still there
looks like a micro nova. our sun might be about to do it too, look out!

marokkaan gedetecteerd


Attached: nasatelescope0341.png (1024x1013, 1.58M)

Seethe moar faggots

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These resources belong, by rights, to the white man.

Je bent gewoon kanker dom

Imagine being alive in an endless universe with infinite galaxies and planets only to be born on a planet with NIGGERS

>looking at top
How do the planets keep up with the sun?
How do they have the energy to maintain perfect orbits when they're really just getting dragged along?
Looks unstable af

I mean I was bored one day so I did the geometry involving shadows that proves the Earth is round and gives you the ability to calculate it’s circumference to within a few kilometers. Mostly it’s thrown off from the actual circumference by the fact that the Earth isn’t a perfect sphere.

But anyway while that doesn’t explicitly prove they space is real, it does compel me to ask what you think IS out there.

>This just further convinces me that space doesn't exist.
There's far more proof of that than there is for a god.

the bar between alt and alt gr

Attached: uncoveringthejew2.jpg (356x356, 39.97K)

Shouldn't they be start to lag behind