Jill Biden Says Hispanics Are As ‘Unique’ As Tacos At ‘LatinX IncluXion Luncheon

ahahahah what the fuck

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Luv tacos me

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where would we be without our beaners?


What is an incluxion?

These people are fucking weird. They make Nazis seem upstanding.

shes not even that old, how can she be this dementiad? Is it contagious?

you would be mowing your lawn

They imported a ton of hispanics and then shit on them. Very wise political calculation.

describe Any Forums as a sandwhich analogy

Was she trying to do like Kennedy when he referred to Germans as donuts?

Yes, spics come both hard and soft.

>Not to sound corny, but you're ass brilliant as burritos in the breeze. La, la, la bamba, my dear Mexilanders!
So brave!
So stunning!

Liberals suffer from extreme hubris. The literally think they can do no wrong.

Beaners Mad

imagine what she's say at a cocktail party for the naacp

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the chinee are as unique as a fried won ton.
also, how do you catch a unique bird?
you neek up on him!

She should have called them pool balls, because just like Mexicans, the harder you hit them, the more english you get out of them.

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Fair enough if you want to have a go at the president, but leave his poor wife alone.

Just call me a fucking spic holy shit

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whites are as unique as hot dogs

Must be the second hand crack fumes

So out of touch with humanity, let alone reality, it's unreal

Over time couples become more like each other. Also imagine when Hunter gets old

>tfw the amerimuttoid probably thinks that is about me too
i've never even seen a taco in my entire life

i wonder if urban dic can help me decipher that sentence

>i've never even seen a taco in my entire life
youre missing out

Not latinx. Moor first christians power.



Republicans are retarded. Hispanics don't even fucking know that the GOP is anti abortion because the retards try to reach out to them the same way they do to niggers. If Hispanics find out that democrats support abortion, the fag shit, and that they're the ones calling them Latinx, then you might actually be able to grab enough to make liberal victories impossible for decades

Hispanics love family and are deeply religious. You can't globohomo people until you tear religion from them.

>Hello, my name is Sergio, I love fiestas and tacos!

And blacks are as unique and dumber than pig knuckles

nah probably not

god damn, that awkward moment after she says it