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If you're put out of business by cheap gas you're too fucking stupid to have a business.

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do you have anger Op?

Its another episode of "Any Forums is your average qtard boomer"
Jesus christ...

Why does this kike get posted here 50 times a day? Who even is he?


he hired a bunch of shills

THANK YOU BTC! I've been saying this for several days now so it's nice to see the grand arbiter of Biden-related Twitter-takes is co-sineing. Eat garbage you wart hogs!

>Why does this kike get posted here 50 times a day?
because he's a kike
>Who even is he?
he's a kike

It is sort of weird how Biden says things and suddenly things are falling. I don't know who's the kike anymore.

Biden's top presstitute lackey. He translates the dementia into politically correct hot takes

I think I've figured it out. If you keep posting pictures of his son doing crack and exposing their dodgy deals then you get free gas.

Big corporations eating a loss to kill smaller competitors.
Why are lefties celebrating that?

no one is producing more oil than a month ago. He emptied our strategic reserves, well, he sold some to China to help enrich himself and his loser son, then dumped the rest into the market. It's a one time dip that will be forgotten before the end of the month

>no actual source
>hurr durr fox news say diss
All fields

uh, source sweetie? because it isn't

>buy gas
>takes three days to arrive
>in that time prices have fallen and you can’t recoup the cost you paid
Not sure if you’re retarded or just didn’t know, but gas stations make their money selling overpriced food, drinks, and ciggies, not selling gas.

Gas fell one cent. Not sure how that puts anyone out of business.

Yeah they struggle for a week until the next gas tanker fillup big deal

Yeah, better just let Exxon and Shell control all the pumps everywhere. Much more efficient that way.


>no lie

I don’t think anyone has see prices fall even a little…

why does this kike nigger shill himself here? He loves his precious gas so much he should marry it inside a chamber.

lol is this the same trick where biden destroys like a million jobs, then allows a small fraction to return, then say he created jobs?
i hope you cattle goyim don't fall for this garbage

>Celebrating artificial price drops while ignoring the bigger issue
How dishonest can these people be?

Rapidly fluctuating prices are really bad too.
I'm annoyed that so many economically illiterate mouth-breathers are equal to me in terms of voting power.

Thought the reserve has been dumping for months now. What changed other than people not driving because thats what (((they))) want.

Prices are falling? Where? The mom and pop stores are the most expensive

They are right. Why do you think the lockdown was done? It DESTROYED local business at levels previously unseen. Who profited? Amazon, walmart, target. Now they are putting local gas stations out of business, to be swallowed up by mega-conglomerate petrol companies who will refit them as hydrogen stations, replacing a pump at a time with hydrogen pump, until gas is completely eliminated. Ma-Pa gas stations cannot ever afford to do that. So they are being eliminated in order to let deep pockets & deep state do it. This is the whole point of the agenda. It trickles down. Soon, it will be your very lives on the line. Can you afford to live, or do you starve? Do you sniff around my house for my pantry, or do I shoot you in the chest, then call the amber lamps to come pick you up? Then I sue your family for the clean up costs.

It went from like $4.90 to $4.20 here in ohio. Still needs to be a lot lower though.

Gas chamber waifu’s

Oh god what have I done.... brapfu’s

The decision to empty the reserves was made a few months ago. it took this long for the oil to be refined and transported and now it's being sold

falling prices don't really make sense unless it's demand falling even faster, which is arguably even scarier than gas shortages. it's a problem that's only going to get worse as time goes on with current energy policy
gas is down about 30 cents over the last month or so around where I live but looking at it and thinking is a good omen would be retarded

all of people like op think they were born to own the libs, or repubs, or whoever they decide is their windmill. they are insane, who cares.
btw, diesel is 6.65

>be small gas station owner
>buy weeks worth of gas at current market rate, if you sell it at current prices you'll profit 5% after expenses
>price drops 10%, lose money
I mean, they do have a point, but you're probably just another retarded fucking commie who doesn't know how anything works and just thinks you deserve everybody else's time, money and labor for free, even though you contribute absolutely nothing of value to society.

Ahh gotcha.

>gas prices are falling
>mfw trapped in California
>mfw gas is still 5.89-6.20 a gal

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Lets see a source because I seriously doubt "mom and pop" gas stations would be upset about lower gas prices and thus more customers since they make almost nothing from the fuel sales but would profit from more customers buying overpriced food and drinks.

>Democrats fuck up entire energy sector, forcing gas stations to buy gas at some $insane Price
>democrats perform additional political fuckery of the energy sector, 'reducing the price of gas'

its like being forced to buy something wholesale at $100 and by the time it actually arrives, and you are able to sell it, the market forces controlled by the very democrat party has reduced your selling point to $50, and now youre eating shit on the entire investment all over policies they controlled the entire time.

ITS SUPPOSED TO HURT THE OIL INDUSTRY, its working as designed


>op is a faggot
You owned me so bad there op, I'm literally shaking

The scenario is already been explained several times in this thread.

>Local oil and gas company
>Never been there cause they charge more than shell or speedway
>Bidens gas tax sends foreign gas to $5
>Remember local company using American oil for $3.50
A gallon
>Hell yeah, time to buy american.webm
>Drive all the way across town to mom and pop under dogs
>Mfw they are price gouging boomer (((dogs)))
>See $5 per gallon sign up
>Do 360 degrees in their parking lot
>Turn around and drive all the way back across town on empty
>Pay shell $5 per gallon for that sweet sweet russki gas
I'd rather give my money to Russia and the Biden cringe family than to price gouging Jews.
At least shell had a excuse.
This mom and pop store can go out of business for all I care, I hope they do.

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>prices are falling
Lmao even

Why did biden do this?

He is trying to destroy our country.

Oh, this is what a crash feels like

I see it coming now



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He's working on it, trust the biden

180, you stupid, spaghetti-slurping cretin - *180*! If I did a 360, I'd go completely around and end up back where I started!


This is FIFO thinking
>Buy gas
>It will be here in three days, but it was expensive
>Raise the prices today
That’s the business plan, it’s not hard. They have a button that changes the price lol

Because he's a traitor
Literally and unironically an illegitimate dictator that is a ccp agent that commuted a coup d'etat and sabotaged our nation so thelat we now cannot compete in ww3

They used to execute people for a fraction of what this guy has done

>Why aren't these businesses willingly losing money for my benefit?!?!?!

What the fuck is a mom and pop gas station? Those don't even exist. Unless you mean those "gas stations" with deactivated pumps and it's just the store.

>Being this new

It's called a donut you dumb foreigner. Learn our terminology before speaking.

>Prices go up
This is bidens fault rawrxd
>Prices go down
This is actually bad because reasons
You niggas are just looking for something to complain about. Hysterical snowflakes

Even if gas falls to 1.50, I will continue placing I DID THAT stickers

Imagine wasting trips being this new. Sad!

>I know what I got

Is there any way to permanently block all twitter screencapture threads?
I'm getting tired of this "Totally not propaganda, super honest, completely trustworthy kikeposting"

Death to kikes

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Mr Bond dump!

Based on what source, and "struggle" to accomplish what?


>brainlet oversimplifies things and looks even dumber somehow

Yes, because unexpectedly losing thousands when margins are tight is definitely how life is lived

For some reason, I doubt that was what they said.

I absolutely do not believe you
And I wouldn't care even if I did

All the "mom and pop" gas stations are owned by pakis and poos so I really don't give a fuck. Hope they all go bankrupt and go home to their shit country.

This thread and all other twitterkike threads would crash to the archive if newfags would learn to put "sage" in the options field instead of giving Brian free bumps

I haven't at all. That's literally the what the NPC conservabots say

>they don't make money through gas
>so selling gas at a slight loss puts them out of business

you'll never be remotely intelligent sweetie you one post cunt

Phil Conners your a fucking faggot

So what happens when the next real war happens and the reserve is empty?

Those small stores don’t make shit on gas.

Or it could be that we're in a recession

It means that big business is getting wholesale gas for cheaper than what mom and pop places paid 2 weeks ago, big business can afford it, little places will have to take a hit to compete since they purchased high and now have to sell low

>market and pricing dynamics are hard, the Tweet.
Lol. Leftycuck cope is absolutely ripe today.

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they have no place to store the oil when people buying less of it,

We're fucked because leftoids cannot into planning for the future.

>cheap gas
how cheap? I only pay up to .12c a gallon

Putin did it. Putins Price Drop

Seriously, fuck capitalism.
>reee commie
Grow up you faggots. Capitalism has gone too far.

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i thought biden doesn't have anything to do w gas prices. i don't understand. ahh, they're mentally ill.