"If I had to say to you what is the answer I would say massive bloodshed

I really would. I don’t really, honestly, deep down believe in political action. I think the system contracts and expands as it wants to. It accommodates these changes. I think the civil rights movement was an accommodation on the part of those who own the country.

I think they see where their self interest lies, they see a certain amount of freedom seems good. An illusion of liberty, give these people a voting day every year so that they’ll have the illusion of meaningless choice. Meaningless choice that we go like slaves and say: “Joy I voted!” The limits of debate in this country are established before the debate even begins.

And everyone else is marginalized and made to seem to be either communist or some sort of disloyal person…a kook…there’s a word. And now it’s conspiracy… see? They’ve made that something that should not be entertained for even a minute. That powerful people might get together and have a plan… Doesn’t happen! You’re a kook! You’re a conspiracy buff!

So… the only way you cure that… death, bloodshed… I don’t advocate it… but I see that it’s really the only answer.”

>Well, Isn't it a funny coincidence that one of his realest non-partisan political rants is virtuallly unknown to the public?

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People who call for bloodshed as a political solution always assume it's going to be somebody else's blood getting spilled, and not their own or their family's.

>I don't really believe in political action
>I think "they" invented the entire system with some goal in mind

Massive bloodshed is not my problem.


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you dont know what anyone assumes, faggot midwit.

Who says it should be? The older I get the more I just want to move to some moderately remote house with a home gym, a pc and a monthly supply of shrooms and just work remotely in peace. The "president" of the country I'm from (Russia) has nuked the economy, education, science, manufacturing and basically everything that could've make some decent future possible for me and my future children. I'm tired of everything and just want to be left alone.

>I'm tired of everything and just want to be left alone.
I know that feel bro

How does killing people solve the present conditions of life that were created by human nature producing hierarchies to deal with scarce resources?

Sure, you can kill some wealthy people and distribute their wealth to the poor fags, but that doesn't actually solve the problem. There will always be a diversity of skilled and talented people and this will always result in resource and power inequalities and new wealthy people will come up again as they make profits from their skills and talents.

Trying to fix the system by killing the wealthy is like killing the biggest strongest deer and thinking no other male deer will take its place. It just doesn't work like that.

Nah, (((you))) threatened me and my family a lot of times too.

I turned 38 and bought land far out from the city, on the outskirts of a tiny town of 3,800 people. I have 800 acres of untouched forest on all sides. I paid a hefty price for this land, and I work remotely in relative solitude - with my family of course.
You know what this jew society did? You want to know why you can't give up? The city decided to reclassify the 800 acres of untouched public land. Yeah, they sold it to a developer. The entire city went to meeting after meeting insisting the city leaves the land untouched.
The mayor (a woman) shut down the meetings, forced the deal through, then immediately retired after the sale was complete.
I am going to enjoy the remining 3 or 4 years I have left on this land before the development reaches my general area and I can hear the work being done by the soulless development.
The somehow figured out how to put 6,000 homes on that land. There's a huge map of how they're going to make it work. Looks like a computer worked it all out. Some efficient way to cram the maximum number of homes into a given space.

You know, jew, your mafias, mental illnesses (psychopathy and sociopathy), the groups similar to you in other regions such as Asia and Middle East, all the parasitism, sabotage, crimes, spying and other typical fetishes you have, the massive infiltration you have inside everything, ... a bloodbath is the only real solution to this problem.
You will do nothing and brag about it for a long time, maybe pretend to be nice or push another totalitarian homosexual regime, the usual, but a solution will never happen without it.

And yes, as soon as you drop dead another group of useless homosexual criminals will take your place (probably related to you), and they will have to be shot in the head again.
A long term solution would be reforming everything to be negroid-proof, including mental health (almost everyone who are part of those mafias have negro ancestry).

Have you already begun a monthly shroom regimen? What has your experience been?

>you dont know what anyone assumes, faggot midwit.
Well, you just assumed I'm a faggot and a midwit. So there's that, kike memeflag.

We've got our eye on you. It's only a matter of time.

For some reason you can't do much to me. Maybe it's some shitty psyop that needs me alive to work.

I don't understand what you are saying. You haven't made a single argument against anything that I said.

> A long term solution would be reforming everything to be negroid-proof
> Brazil flag

A little bit late it seems.

You did, jews are always watching this place and always play dumb.
In other words, you are mentally ill, have a network of mafias, they can't be stopped because you also have a massive infiltration of both the private and public sector, you can't be reasoned with and there is no cure, treatment or viable containment for your fellows, ...

not always. many families are very much ready for war here.

Based and Objectively-Correct-Pilled

I've only did them once, to compare to acid, but I understand why they've been used thorough human history. Imo, a shroom trip is much more introspective than lsd, though I need more experience to definitely confirm that. While doing mushrooms I basically saw my whole life like a movie played backwards and had a great opportunity to reflect on it. Just need to say that psychedelics are not toys to catch some funny hallucinations, they are very powerfull tools, and you should treat them with utmost respect while using, or they will punish you.

Death and Blood Shed of who user? SAY IT SAYYYYYY ITTTTTTTTT

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I doubt it, there are so many faggy tricks going it's hard to be sure.

Link to audio: youtube.com/watch?v=gaesFBrrxRU

There's no escape anyways, we're all on this planet together and there's nowhere to run if shit truly hits the fan globally.