I am losing track of what words are offensive these days

What is the new go to word to reference wetbacks? At this rate, a mexican menu will be blank. Someone throw me a bone here.

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stick to the classics like wetback and spic

Fuck that stupid breakfast taco eating fake doctor karen

It's not amerimutt, but what's that other word people use to refer to U.S. citizens on this board? Maybe Jill takes it as a compliment.

comfy wetback it is. is there a mexican word equivalent for manlet?

You can't be white without offending someone.

Fake outrage. Republicans are all about harmless racial jokes like this until a Democrat does it.

There's no bigger racist than the Biden's. A man who targeted black people for mass incarnation for using crack while his white privileged son continues to go free to be crack head and fought to keep Black's segregated. Now Jill is working her racism on the Hispanics. Democrats are the real racists.

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Why can’t we be delicious tacos instead of plain old crackers

enano- means dwarf
mojondrete- means turdette
putito- means little faggot
perrita- means little bitch
tapón- means plug
those are effective.

Death to kikes

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>be wife of the president
>have an entire staff dedicated to writing, proof reading, and approving your speeches
>the best analogy they could collectively come up with is comparing the diversity of Mexican people to tacos
You don't have to be a genius to see this was going to go over. It would be like talking about the diversity of black people and using the many different types and flavors of fried chicken out there.

For someone who is effectively the POTUS, she should do better and not give people reasons to forget she is technically a 'Dr.'

>when race baiting goes horribly wrong
yes gringo puta keep it up with that delicious newspeak

thank you I shall use these on some coworkers. I bet the short guatemalans won't appreciate being called a dwarf.

a title earned by sitting still in a room and sucking cock is worth less than the word of a gypsie.

Death to kikes

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gracias senorx

So what went wrong?

I love the official response
>we are not tacos
Clown world just keeps on giving

Actually, I think most republicans don't take racist jokes seriously, and wouldn't use derogatory racial slurs in front of people who might be offended by them. Usually, they talk about personal responsibility in a colorblind way to highlight problems associated with crime, entitlements, and illegal immigration.

Beans are good. It's not easy to get all your fiber without them.

Or, they could just stop apologizing. Like just don’t do it, it makes them look worse. Are they all really this stupid?

I have international friends call Me Taco, I don't mind.

Death to kikes

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The quote's not even that bad
>The diversity of this community – distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio – is your strength,” she said Monday
It's like how you can't mention a black person eating watermelon. I got called racist by a date for referring to an actor in a scene as "the black guy".

Everyone loves breakfast tacos, especially lesbians.

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disconnected from reality and talking down from the ivory tower. checked.

In honor of taco Tuesday.

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My nigga

Why'd you leave mucoso off the menu?
It's my favorite

dont forget the classics: pendejo y mal parido

well is like receiving some american in spain and talk about they are fucking hotdogs lol

Yeah, that isn't bad, is this an actual fake news hit piece on Jill Biden?

Is the Dallas Morning News becoming the jew?

a lot of tacos at the dollar tree. i wonder if she takes biden there to sniff tacos.

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As plentiful as your hodogos and diverse as your breakfast tacos

mocoso- means brat, like a kid

Death to kikes


Lmao, that reminds of the time I had a gf get pissed because a black guy got in front my car as I was driving out of a parking a lot, and I said, “boy!” And she basically bitched about it emasculating the guy because he’s black. She was off the deep end though, I really don’t care anymore, next time I’ll just say nigger.

sooooooooooooo close.

he asked for insults against manletts, no morons or sons-of-bitches

Death to kikes

Republicans love anything that they can read that affirms their belief that the Dems are the real racists. Probably getting mad views and clicks on facebook.

We have to discriminate against white people so we can end discrimination.

Get on board chud.

are most manlets from mexico or central america?