Why was he really whacked?

Why was he really whacked?

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No Catholics allowed. Period.

The MIC doesn't like being told to fuck off.

He pointed out Israels nuclear bomb program when they said they had none.

>Why was he really whacked?
so the petrodollar scam economy could be implemented

Both correct, but also that he wanted to disclose Roswell etc and open allied talks with Russia about ufos and ending secret societies.

Take meds immediately.

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Resisted Jewish takeover of the United States and UN. It really is that simple and he was shot to mimic the David story - kill the leader of the world’s strongest army (aka the head) with a small stone to the (literal) head. Jews LOVE that sort of in your face symbolism.

He looks like Kyle

He was the last great white man standing in ((their))) way everyone else could be bought but he couldn't. He attacked (((their))) base of power (CIA, Fed). It sent a message about what they're willing to do if you don't play ball. The rest of the boomer whites sold us out to the kikes.

Double crossed the Mafia.
Mafia delivered Illinois, put him over the top in the electoral college.

Executive Order 11110

Stfu nigger. This is retarded. Jews wanted lbj in because he was their stooge. Jfk was too based

he was killed by the KGB in retaliation for Russia's humiliation at the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

1. He fucked Cord Meyer's wife
2. He stole an election from Nixon
3. He was in LBJs way
4. He fucked over the Mob after they pulled out all the stops to get him elected because his dad was a mafioso
5. He pissed off all the Cubans by vetoing additional support during the Bay of Pigs

Those five things added up to half the country wanting him dead. The particular people who did it were a dream team of glowniggers, mobsters, and Cuban operators, led by Cord Meyer.

The MIC just wants to be rocked right.

He went rogue and started trying to dismantle the glowbohomo. He literally wanted to dismantle the CIA which is the dagger of the elite. He got whacked before he could enact anything.

That’s a lot of deflection to avoid the reality that kikes killed Kennedy so they could attach Israel to the United States’ underside. You won’t get a raise if you don’t step it up.

no his head sploded on its own


Attached: mafia.png (1920x1080, 1.9M)

It really was a lot of factors.

Military brass thought he was soft on Russia
CIA was afraid of being eliminated
FBI agents were loyal to dude he canned
Secret Service (who completed the job) were assets of CIA/FBI
LBJ just wanted power

Typical political logrolling bundle of disparate interests.