USA: How do we stop the culture war that is keeping us from moving forward?

USA: How do we stop the culture war that is keeping us from moving forward?

Attached: download.jpg (840x620, 151.33K)

Mass deportation of non-Europeans.

Kill all the Communists.

Attached: 9bdaabc4de7a01bbbf82612c91338aef3679284e7fe0bfe5e1519a86793aa91e.gif (360x201, 1.54M)

this works

You don’t.
>fag flag
>USA flag

This but kill all the non-communists

Hegelian manipulation does not work on people smarter than you.

>democrats engaging is anything resembling a fair contest
>republican doing the work themselves
Do you understand how American politics work?

Gotta get rid of the jews.

by winning

Zyklon b

One side has to win decisively.

Deus Vult

Addressing the communication breakdown. Acknowledging foreign interference in internet culture since about 2013.

Mixing cultures never works. Been known since the beginning.

The "culture war" is a psyop fed to you by entertainment and media to distract your from actual SoCon actions that are unopposable.
>Have many children
>Homeschool them to be SoCons, too
in a century no one else will be left

Attached: big family a.jpg (575x320, 60.11K)

Defeat Marxism.

Learn another languages?

>find a shiny gold glove with pretty stones in it
>snap fingers, twice
problem solved.

>Knights Templar meme flaggot running scripts tells you to "trust the plan"

Attached: 1657268279798.png (600x674, 651.46K)

Off all spics, niggers and Jews I'd guess.

The fucking plan ALWAYS wins.
Everything else A:WAYS fails.
Stick with God's plan - be fruitful and multiply.

How exactly would you "win" a culture war?

Change the game

There is no culture war. There are a bunch of faggots, commies, morons, and such screaming
>"We're winning! We're winning!"
Meanwhile they have a total fertility rate of 1.0, their kids abhor them and their ideals, and they keep being unable to do stuff like make abortions legal in Poland, etc.
What you are witnessing is the death screams of Liberalism, wailing and thrashing at it is erased from existence.
The SoCons won any "war" in about 1978, the average person just doesn't know it.