1 year old Jew attacked by Pitbull


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What goes around comes around

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Dr Pibble was the 11th plague of egypt

Wtf I love shitbulls now?!

I bet you're ecstatic Muhammad. Did you dance around a goats carcass to celebrate?

>jewish infant mauled
>shitbull put down
seems like a win-win

People who root against kids go to hell. Sorry OP. Ask God for forgiveness.

t. seething heebs

>Did you dance around a goats carcass to celebrate?
yes, all while eating motza balls.

The redemption arc

WTF I love pitbulls now!

What a fuckin image

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Oy vey

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Now they'll get banned for sure.

Except we all know the borzoi is the the jew of dogs.

he called him the n-word first

kys namefaggot

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not a kike, just a Staffordshire owner and I know who makes these threads. You, on the other hand haven't touched grass since you were picking dandelions out in left field during tee-ball practice you fat contrearian neet.

you wish shitskin, it would this guessing game so much easier.

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seething so much about literal subcanines

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Nits make lice.

good boy.


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truly our best ally

The Jew finally becomes a victim of Jewery. It's pottery.

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