Was this self defence?

they were retreating but they kept coming after them. Why did he have a knife though?
happened in Australia


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Lol at the niggers needing a knife and still running from the islander chads

Weaklings can't even good clean fight anymore. Weak men, bad times.

>hey were retreating but they kept coming after them
Lol, the knife nigger was clearly taunting them and not retreating.

All i see is brown people,so not my problem

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>Seyram Kwami Djentuh
>Lauie Michael Tagaloa
2 browns of your streets

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In Australia? Doesn't matter, they're black. Animals kill each other all the time.
If they were white in, say, my state? Yes. It would be self defense.

No it was a niggertry

What would you do to stop the bleeding in this situation? Try to cover the cut on the neck?

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that's probably what his defense will argue. I don't know what the law is with regard to defense with illegal weapons in public during fights that you may have instigated. I assume it might matter who started the altercation and at what point the knoife was drawn.
He'll likely go away for something though. Illegally carrying a deadly weapon at the very least, probably manslaughter as well.

Theoretically you could argue that being punched in the head carries a risk of death (we've seen enough of those cases) especially on concrete. But I don't know if it's possible to then argue that you can stab someone because of it.

>Wogs VS Nogs
I'm team Wog, I like them sliiiightly more. Fucked up how quick he went down. He was beyond the point of no return FAST.

Thanks for importing all these non-whites though. I always wanted my home country to look like African liveleak. It sure was terrible having a 99% white country where you could walk around safely, thank god we ended the white Australia policy.

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Cancel Christmas, you dead.

knives are no joke. if you see someone pull out a knife do yourself a favor and back away

pinch off the punctured artery, but good luck with that

kikes import our problems

I thought Polynesians were called Fobs in Oz?
And Wogs were Italians?

Put crazy pressure over corroded artery, where it was cut. If it was a small cut, like the width of the knife, you could apply pressure and possibly survive

>corroded artery
that's why you should galvanize your arteries
those browns are so stupid

Welp guess australia needs knife control now

Always fight for strong women

Why couldn't this have been a white roofucker

You can't. Even the top surgeon right then and there wouldn't be able to save them from bleeding out. Once your jugular is cut or femoral artery you're done for

Manslaughter at worst, their Feds believe it was Murder so his 'Team' will try hard to argue that but he is going down for Murder, definately.

Pretty sure in America he'd get charged with something.. he was retreating but then stopped. Can't bring lethal force to a non-lethal fight and it didn't seem like he was fearing for his life.

second .webm
>>first 32 seconds are fucking worthless
Don't even bother next time

plural noun: wogs

a person who is not white.
a foreigner or immigrant, especially one from southern Europe.

1920s: of unknown origin.

Complete shock does that to you. Fuck the Camera Man, for real... just filming the dude Bleeding out like a fuckin coward.

apply tourniquet to your neck

All else aside, that was elite knife skills, no? Lightning quick and right to the mark.
/no, I don't use any weapons myself, which is why I ask.