"Any Forums does what journalists don't"

Political implications of Any Forums being name dropped in good and bad contexts across mainstream media?


Tucker gives shine to Any Forums
BTFOers jannies
Cites the Any Forums finding of "Hunter Biden weighting crack" being censored by google


Attached: Tucker4chan.jpg (805x419, 82.85K)

Is there any evidence that Any Forums did anything?

More division

Daily reminder that Tucker is a grifter and is mainly grifting from the dumb, poor, rural, outdated, obsolete hick small town white trash that tune into his show.

me. im one of the original seeders.


Attached: fullithink.png (650x35, 1.6K)

Great, more fucking boomer tourists

wrong image

Attached: wuut.png (1089x178, 6.43K)


Daily reminder you are a nigger

Spoken like a true faggot.

He didn't name drop Any Forums they'll never find this place

I don't recall any "let's crack the password" threads like Any Forums did with Sarah Palin's Gmail. Seems like someone's giving Any Forums the credit / blame because how does an imageboard of 6 gorillion users deny something?
Sure you could check the archives but what journokike even knows about, much less will bother with that?

sir this is fbi pls stop

Daily reminder that you're a dumbass

Daily reminder that libs can't refute the substance of Tucker's arguments so they call him names.

sir this is God's son. peepee ur poopoo

It would save time if you would just say you want to genocide whites who don't live in cities. You are halfway there with the "obsolete and outdated"

When did journalism become activism?

Attached: both.jpg (960x639, 76.37K)

well, it the passwords were posted here, but the raw data was on ebaum's
will i get banned for posting the password?
i don't care.

file000125.keychain pw was "koda" btw lol

$keychain$*5ed67e5e2388fa3ab2233d96ad77c0e6957bf3f6*34867e20fc433a44*82d9920c5d5751c14a159021efbfc360de6fcf47c7f4d13d556e6d51b2b4c9b bb41ff354dbdebf7c35747b747591a40f6:koda

Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Cracked


I came here from r/Any Forums in 2016

link to ebaum

>"Any Forums does what journalists don't"
This should have been the slogan here for the past 10 years.

please tell me this is a joke

That's the thing. I'm just wondering if there was some kind of campaign on Any Forums to do it and they achieved it, or if this is just some type of grift/glownigger mischief/random nonsense that is being ascribed to Any Forums.

No joke toothpaste bro

anyone member when the tuck said he had a damning dossier on huntster only to say it got lost in the mail and that it couldn't be found because a dog ate it? good times.

>Political implications of Any Forums being name dropped in good and bad contexts across mainstream media
Very bad. The entire point of this site is to remain anonymous. No one should ever, especially a prominent political figure, publicly mention they browse Any Forums

alright godbless

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Attached: F69E5C13-C0EB-4798-A8EE-67C3389E7A81.png (594x582, 41.33K)

No but I do remember tucker and hunter being friends from the first time this hunter laptop stuff dropped