Woman and boyfriend beaten by blacks on London train


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good.. it's a small payback for centuries of african slavery.

ok, so you showed this to make me mad, but did they do something? say something? what's the context? you guys always ask these questions when a cop shoots a black person, so now it's my turn.

at this point the english are so weak, cucked, and stupid that niggers are starting to look based in comparison to them

Part and Parcel

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webm please

I missed the part where this is my problem.

Attached: 1653687386125.jpg (600x600, 64.67K)

Looks like the white woman started it by throwing food at the negress though

>say the n-word while surrounded by black people
>get beat up
I'm confused. what did they expect would happen?

cops dont shoot black people because they make them mad, faggot

At the same time, you say everyone who does something is a glowie. The polshevik mindset is truly puzzling.

Good fuck these white liberal faggots. Hopefully bleqs wipe em out and let the real whites rule

around blacks, never relax

Slow news day at the justification office?

>Brutal Beating?


That was a a typical greeting ..a "how do you do?" by any American Nigger.

>Fucking niggers

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lol why are whiteys so goddamn weak???

Good, Anglos deserve it for pushing this shit all over Europe. No sympathy for the original globohomos

One minute in and the black bitch is obviously right. Someone threw food at her like a child. Its clear even to me listening and watching in this quality than the black bitch has been wronged.
Lets keep watching.
Aint posting this shit yet.
Watched it.
Im with the niggers on this one. Also its old. Ive seen it before but I didnt see it with sound last time. This is pure nigger-exoneration.

good, fuck brits, hope they all get beaten to death

all the british boomers just being quiet and leaving peacefully i hope they get niggers at front door.This is gods punishment for your sleazy jewish ways.
If you are white non cucked british secesionism is the only way norf fc secesion.

holy shit, nigger


>none helping them

You mean westerners, Russians don’t have this problem

this one is from today


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lol no

>3 years ago

Posting YouTube links that require a sign-in should be a bannable offense.
Any true Any Forumsack is banned from youtube/twitter/etc

>Im with the niggers on this one.
No wonder your country is going to shit.

I only got 30 seconds in, I can't take ghetto blacks seriously when they have that fucking Harry Potter accent LMAOOOOOOOOOO

This. So sick of seeing evidence of newfags and normies
>isn't banned from YouTube

is that chocolate i see ?

Niggers are evolved to be slaves, and nothing more.

Attached: jewish_origins_of_slavery.jpg (1521x2404, 2.07M)

But who pushed would never ride a bus.