Why is healthcare so exp-

Why is healthcare so exp-

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How else are you going to employ all those minorities and women?


these are a huge problem in academia too. also in low level grocery jobs corporate always does weird shit and fucks with the plebs hours and shit. it's all the same thing. unproductive people squeezing every penny from the productive

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This is also why public school teachers get paid so little and the schools get no funding. There was a study that if since 1950 you kept administrator hiring at the same rate as teachers, you could pay teachers something like 26k more per year, its insane.

The military has the same problem with how many do nothing officers there are. This is all a symptom of a nelotustic society with too many middle class privileged kids going straight into do nothing jobs. Its also what props up white liberals, as they comprise the majority of these pencil pushing do nothing jobs

What happened around 1990?

It's not as expensive as it is profitable.

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>oh hey, like, i totally found your problem, you just need to cut everyone's hours and make every shift a four hour shift so no breaks, see im like so super smart im saving the company so much money hehe
>that will be 10k plus tip thank you

>"Asians are a hardworking model mino-"

Nope. Just bullshitters and moochers like kikes.

>22 years old
What possible experience would a 22 year old have to consult on?

>"yeah people who are working are working hard lets allow them to continue working yes yes, this graph shows that other people that are not me are working I made it in power point"

I fucking hate this world.

Blame the jews and their lawyers figuring out every way to steal $$$ from the goys.
Add the jewish health insurance industry and basically everyone is working for the 'tribe'.
Oven dodgers ruin everything good.

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calling them administrators is falling into the trap
they're the order following soldiers in the NWO bureaucratic army that is being raised to fight against you, the common person

People are talking about it but no one is doing anything.



>17% of GDP is wasted on moochers

Consultants are either just temp labor or assigned to research a specific problem and provide possible solutions.
>My accounting department is retarded and is losing me money, how can I fix it?
>A. ask my in-house finance experts (the very retarded people I can't trust in the first place) for a plan
>B. Hire consultants. I will get 1 experienced accountant, a dozen or so fresh grads, who will do all the bitch work, and in the end I'll either get the work done right temporarily or an answer to my problems.

The only people who seethe about consultants are the retards whose inadequacies result in consultants being hired in the first place.

the part that drives me up the wall is when they walk around thinking they are super smart and special and better than everyone else. it honestly turns my stomach

Same issue with colleges. As soon as government got involved with Title IX and loan guarantees costs spiked. This is because most of them need more admin staff than students to be able to manage the federal programs. Medical went through the exact same thing.

Government requirements spiked. HIPAA. Once again, you get government involved and costs jump to manage them.

Same with public schools.

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Fuck you. They start at $50k per year, get 24 week off paid, can moonlight, have free gold plan healthcare, free child care, and on and on. They make the equivalent of $100k+ when you add in all of their benefits and realize they work 128 days per year.

let me quantify this: a person whose sole existence is based upon making other people's lives more difficult and arduous, for no real benefit, and this person is generally overweight, full of anxiety, unfriendly, et al. so it's a lose lose. you get loss of wealth and a parasite on the other end. every time the parasite goes through a grocery checkout or interacts with the public, their parasitic energy steals like a vampire. it's a massive cost and our country is being majorly held back as a result of this. i walk around and see that most people seem to be mentally and physically diseased. it's very disturbing.

All related to government interventions.

The only consulting I have experience with are PE's kept on salary anyways, and that is a different story entirely.

But that still doesn't answer the question of what possible experience a 22 year old would have to consult on.
>fresh grads who do bitch work
Okay that is not a consultant, that is a bitch of the consultant.

Just smells like another bullshit job to hire someone's family member.

>The only people who seethe about consultants are the retards whose inadequacies result in consultants being hired in the first place.

The admin state is the root cause of all inefficiencies.

these faggots are really useless eaters
most of them
I am not a commie but damn, I would gladly send them to gulags alongside with their families

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Seems like every profitable industry has as many managers as regular employees.

all that free welfare care has to get paid for some how.

the managerial revolution
and robert conquest's 2nd and 3rd laws apply as well.

thanks for the lead.