Which Continent Will Collapse First and Descend Into Chaos?

Europe, North America, or Australia?

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I think Europe is on the faster track with the nitrogen bans and cattle regulations. Its effectively what collapsed Sri Lanka
Will take longer for Europe to buckle as they've spent 70 some odd years in relative comfort but nothing tends to anger people more than hunger, and hunger in first world nations? I suspect that isn't going to go well.

South America

We’re not too far behind in this race.

My bets are on europe with the US not far behind, we'll likely see southwest states and major cities start collapsing one by one right as europe plunges into hell

Europe will freeze and get overrun by starving shitskins out of Africa, US will keep doing what it's doing and probably kick off another global war accelerating the process, I doubt Australia will ever collapse into chaos, we're too well off, we've too much land, too many resources, fuck all people to support and as our national anthem will remind you, we're girt by sea giving us a natural barrier against the hungry hordes, we'll become a haven for the wealthy elite with a small manageable servant class.

neither you stupid doomer retard

The the EU(not europe)
Then the states, unless Canada fucks with their agriculture sector

I vote Antarctica

two more centuries, i can feel it

5 bucks on us. Europe is too many countries that won't all fall at once. We have between 5 months and 2 years somewhere. Australia is under asian invasion, but they let themselves be thrown in prison camps last year. They will be last to fall because they're compliant. Bruce no longer has a spine or teeth.

Japan or south America

all of them

Europe, simply because it's the most cucked continent in the world and completely subservient to London and Washington.

We’ll be the last of the three because our population is majority chink and poo, with zero loyalty to our traditional allies. In this instance diversity really will be our strength, it will prevent us being dragged into war and instead we’ll end up a prosperous vassal state of China instead of the present arrangement with USA. Our governments for the past twenty years have been laying the groundwork for this eventuality.

Cunt, Coon cheese just went from $10 to $14 in less than 2 weeks.
We're NGMI

twice the pop of usa
and muslim hordes lying in wait

DQ chili dogs are mana from heaven

>Coon cheese
wtf is that

I'd say Europe. They're used to rioting, have a ton of aimless muslims that'll join in for fun.
Whites in America aren't used to rioting and everyone is armed. Rioting + guns = war. Not ready for that... yet.
Aussies are vaxxmaxxed cattle and will obey authority at any cost. So no for them.

Australia last of those three unless there's another emu uprising.

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i miss when "dq" was good stuff when our grandma would take up sometimes. or was that just another illusion form childhood.