There was never any such thing as "gluten allergy"

Daily reminder "gluten allergy" does not exist and the people who suffer from it underwent childhood vaccinations
The medical community keeps sending sick vaxfags on wild goose chases and have been since facebook antivaxxers existed
>oh no facebook antivaxxers are growing
>i know, we'll say it's the gluten causing the autoimmune disease
Nobody gives a shit about gluten-free anymore. That was a 2010 fad

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Bread is slave food.

it's the same with every allergy or have you ever heard of on american indian with pollen allergy?

Yes well a fool and his money are soon parted

poopoo peepee

well call me a nigger and point me to the cotton fields

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also, americans are a third world country just for not having rolls like pic. why is there hardly any german bakery in america?

To be fair, yeast bread is not old, and sourdough has no gluten the sourdough eats it. Yeast bread has gluten because the yeast doesnt eat gluten.

It’s a glyphosate allergy.

Definitely something there. If I have gluten my body creates antibodies that attack my thyroid. If I stop eating gluten, I can get the antibodies down. Vaxxed in the 80’s and 90’s, not near as much as kids now. We are fucked.

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i have celiac disease and i still eat bread. fuck yall.

If you have any problem with eating white bread, you are a nigger. Have more sex and do more hard work, incels.

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yes. yes i will. the water jew fears the tap water drinker.

imagine not distilling your own tap water

The northern Midwest has lots of them

you mean like montana?

Grandmas in the supermarket talking about gluten and how its bad for you in the breads and pastries section. It's how you know some lie has been established or some news has been accepted or a thing is popular, you hear the masses talking about it.

You're 100% right. Doing the opposite of what the masses does is usually the safe bet.

Pic is from last night. I'm practicing making bread. Bread is the last instance of goyslop that I haven't tried making for myself yet. I've been goyslop-free since 2014.

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What about muh deadly peanuts?

That was from growing vaccines on peanut protein. It's a binary weapon; Inject child with vaccine, they die later from eating peanuts.

Who actually killed the child? The doctor injecting the vaccine or the peanut?

>American flag
>retarded fact free opinion
as per usual.

Human physiology has evolved to eat meat, not the seeds of grasses. Gluten is just one of many irritants in plants that humans have no way of dealing with. This protein destroys the gut lining and allows for other matter to cross into the human body and bloodstream, which can lead to autoimmune conditions of many variations.
> Nobody gives a shit about gluten-free anymore.
Yes, non retarded people have gotten the clue and stopped consuming poison (grass seeds and other plant derived 'foods') altogether.