Tucker Carlson's Favorite New Website Is Any Forums

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What are the odds Tucker starts posting here?

Tuckers zoomer staff definitely posts here

'Far right hate'. Just telling the truth here and there? I'm confused.

Just today he said people go to Any Forums to find the truth since the news are so heavily cencored.

here's your "kind of innocent way" bro

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Unironically, telling the truth is a right-wing thing.

And "hateful"


he is probably the one who keeps bumping and redoing PTG

that's why 4chink is shit nowadays if millionaires funded by billionaires lurking around here

Maybe that's why I like Norm Macdonald.

I can’t think of any consistent general more cringe than PTG. Maybe the britpol shit?

But seriously imagine worshipping a retard like trump lmao


Well it all started with then pozing of anime and video games. The users had no choice. He just answered his own damm question.

all generals are cancer their sole role is to divide
/poltards got played by a kike on their own board

he probably made this thread

>new website

And when you let people say what they want freely with anonymity you get the real truth

>What changed
The world turned 180, Any Forums was and is an escape from mainstream awful reality, since the mainstream world went left people went right in escaping this goddamn forsaken modern society shaped by the left that is freaking unbearable.

sounds like a conspiracy theory
blue user at it again

Trump is based.

Now we know who makes all those BBC posts!

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>at what point did it become a cess pool of far right hate
When we graduated high school

can't cuck the tuck