So, Ukrainians apparently get 5 days of training now

Before going to the front.

In 1945, Wehrmacht Basic Training was 12-14 Weeks.

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we already have a thread for vatnik bullshit, it's called /chug/

Good luck out there.

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You cant compare the two German user as the front line of the war is within Ukraine territory and not far away like Germany was.

But you are correct this is not enough time to be in any way effective at war.

keep your tranny cope in your containment general please.

Shut up shill.

What do you think uhgbros? Another two weeks?

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Khokhols themselves are to blame. Although the mobilization measures are harsh, the vast majority of Ukrainian society were against the peace process (Minsk agreements), they were for the war and against the peace settlement.

Zelensky and his actions have public legitimacy, more than 80% of khokhols are against peace and concessions. They want to fight to the end.

so Ukrainians do not need to be spared

Cannon fodder, while the west is supplying the guns and ammunition.

In 1945 the frontline was also in Germany.

>we have VR headset now so can speed up training that usually takes 10x as long!

Can't wait to have your 17 year old sister drafted eh?

Q. Do they tell them which end of the gun the bullets come out of?
>tfw the first class probably concentrates on which pronouns they may choose from

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Seems like your Jew doesn't give a single fuck about your lifes.

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Oy Vey!

Ukrainian president mobilised the troops way to late despite warnings of a full scale invasion. (Remember when he said for everyone to relax and it was not a big deal? ha)

I was very shocked they survived the first invasion, at the time I even joked they need a real Steiner counter attack....

They pulled it off.

Attached: Steiner attack NOOOOOOOOOOW.jpg (861x1109, 173.95K)

>they were for the war and against the peace settlement

I hate Ukrainians so much

I hope you have your lungs sucked out when a thermobaric bomb explodes in your trench

Le ebil Zelenskiy reduced the number of dead civies in Donbass to several per year. Based Putin the saviour of the white race increased it to tens of thousands per 4 months. Say what you will.

even jewishpedia with their pro-ukrainian bias doesn't claim that it was a counteroffensive that cleared the troops near kiev

Attached: battle_for_kiev.png (1193x27, 3.88K)

>basedboy moment

When you dont care about anyone, you win either way. Thousands die in their first five minutes of battle, Elite press, “Russians butchered xxx,xxx brave Ukrainian soldiers fighting for their homeland”. If they shoot a Russian soldier or even divert fire, you have a military victory.

Same as this whole war. Shell Donbass for 8 years, advance NATO; Putin says STOP and you keep going. You get what you want either way. Advance your position or provoke Russia and proxy war/sanctions.

When you run everything any outcome suits you just fine.

>your Jew doesn't give a single fuck about your lifes.

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Ukrainian military leaders are former USSR trained troops and as Russian miltary tactics have not changed since the cold war they knew extacly how the Russians would invade/attack, they knew to lure the Russians in slow retreat doing counter-attacks wearing them down.

The Russians had to retreat because they were fucked. (Plus most Russian troops did not want to kill other Slavic people)

5 days is more than enough, thanks to modern weapon systems. There's so much AI this, self guided that, humans can basically be replaced with chimps. We just press the button when we are supposed to and the computers do the rest.

Cope and seethe Putin shill. Zelenskyy will take Moscow.