I see New World

Hi anons, we all know that after february the whole world has been triggered and from now what we couldn't do we can accomplish.

What can we do to justificate jew/nigger killing? How to mass redpill normies to accept that behaviour?

Public hanging and shame killing should be normal part of modern society (I'm not talking about islam and muslims, which I do not appreciate).

In conclusion:
>spread worldwide idea to kill kikes;
>make strong international community to acheve that;
>start from yourself for a better world.

So, if you see a nigger or jew beat it atleast if you can't kill it. They should fear us.

Have you any ideas anons? I know that many servicemen from police and army secretely on our side, they are just awaiting.

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The modern world will fall and it will happen naturally. What happens in a world in which you cannot trust anyone? Look at US prisons to find out. Criminals trust other criminals of the same race. Tribes are racial.

Indeed, segregation was best thing the US had for years. Coalburning is crime against humanity and racemixing should be banned.

>The modern world will fall and it will happen naturally.
yes. Yes. YES.

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Push Germany over the edge. We need them to mobilise and hopefully with inflation and the energy crisis, they can elect someone that can carry out the fourth reich. God speed

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Do you think elections and current system works? Elites saboutage every good thing local folks trying to improve. That's why kike killing should be appreaciated in mass, thus will be the message that you are next. Whole system and rule class should be eliminated only in that case world can be reborn.

You think Winsdors doing good job in England?

How many did u killed?
I got only one, stabbed that bitch in da neck.

They will die a horrible death.
Trust the plan.


I do beat them and people ok with that. It's quite rare to see them here.
And yes, I live in rural area.

Collapse is inevitable. We are all can feel it. Everyday we live as last day.

Teм вpeмeнeм нaceлeниe миpa yжe 8 миллиapдoв, кaким oбpaзoм нaм paзoм избaвитьcя oт 7 миллиapдoв нe вызывaя yничтoжeниe плaнeты. Пpaвильный oтвeт yничтoжaть их cвoими cилaми пoвcюдy, вo двopaх, мaгaзинaх, шкoлaх. Maccoвaя пpинyдитeльнaя cтepилизaция, oтcтpeл нaибoлee aгpeccивных ocoбeй, тoлькo тaк мы cмoжeм cпacтиcь.

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>Public hanging and shame killing should be normal part of modern society
Saudi Arabia or Iran will welcome you with open arms

Jews know that they can only be replaced by force. Words and agreements don't work, that is nature of lying swines that praise satan. Once again they will get their place, at the edge of history.

>Saudi Arabia or Iran will welcome you with open arms
I think I understand OP, not moving to Iran but improve your homeland.

Just imagine, kikes and fags bodies hanging everywhere for a several month so everyone will see. After that most of fags will change and become redpilled. Percentage of them will dramatically drop in days.

Dude, in Saudi Arabia lot's of niggers. Worst of all they'ra muslims which is subhuman indicator. Summ up with pajeets and malaysians and you get 1% rich saudi elite with negroid population. I would prefer to wipe them all.

Look at that. That's how average german should look, not like cocroach from turkey.

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>What can we do to justificate jew/nigger killing? How to mass redpill normies to accept that behaviour?
you don't, their genetics are no longer normal thanks to jewish jumbo juice, it'll either be that autists or kikes inherit the earth

The plan is basically to keep red pilling people, keep seizing control of local governments (which is possible in America), and wait for the dollar to collapse, at which point how does the state pay cops and feds. Not much else we can do

Why would you accept that?

No more deportation.
Only extermination.

Death to kikes.

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Found the kike

If only damn Romans finished their job 2000 years ago
We would've been exploring the galaxy right now
