SAS war crimes leaks in Afghanistan

Internal emails from the time show that UK military officers reacted with disbelief to the reports, describing them as "quite incredible" and referring to the squadron's "latest massacre".

> SAS squadrons were competing with each other to get the most kills
> killed unarmed Afghanis during night raids.
> operatives using so-called "drop weapons" - AK-47s planted at a scene to justify the killing of an unarmed person.
>An operations officer emailed a colleague, to say that "for what must be the 10th TIME in the last two weeks" the squadron had sent a detainee back into a building "and he reappeared with an AK".
>"Then when they walked back in to a different A [building] with another B [fighting-age male] to open the curtains he grabbed a grenade from behind a curtain and threw it at the c/s [SAS assault team]. Fortunately, it didn't go off…. this is the 8th time this has happened... You couldn't MAKE IT UP!"


>SAS unit repeatedly killed Afghan detainees

>SAS killings: How a scandal was uncovered

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This is why we need more women, BAME and sexual minorities in the SAS


Brits call it wanking, got to feed the demons somehow.

who cares lmao

I approve of this

>BAME and sexual minorities in the SAS

They're all white, mad crazy bastard killing machines, and then they complain when go over the top. They were literally disrupting bomb makers, with night grabs, what isn't in the leaks, or quantified is how many Western lives were actual saved by their actions?

Ends justify the means?

>I approve of this

I would as well, provided it could be justified. E.g. Another dead bomb maker? How many lives had their IEDs already taken? How many lives would their future IED take? These figures aren't quantified. I've never read about a war conducted by barristers and silks (that comes after by whoever wins), it's done by violent men, who commit egregious acts in the night to keep the rest of us safe and our societies ticking over.

>train highly competitive psychopaths to be efficient killing machines
>they compete to kill the most people
Imagine my surprise

Thats pretty close to what the aussies were doing.

hope the soldiers from the middle east enjoy being rounded up and put on trial over the next 20 years as literal nazis

> Aussie SAS

Looks Straya went for the top score


i couldnt give one fuck when you consider the types of nasty fucks they were up against
To me its all par for the course when they knew damn well who were the shakers and movers murderers and torturers of their own kind
While living in these communities and daring them to work with the army to quell religious fucktards

Something, something immunity. Just like when NATO dropped cancer munitions on Serbia.

This is bait right? Who forced those Afghani farmers to make IEDs? We all have a choice, but not the consequences.

>Just like when NATO dropped cancer munitions on Serbia

It's all about whoever, wins; usually that's an outside enemy, if you haven't noticed, the West, is currently going thru an 'internal' change of sorts.


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I've seen a webm of Taliban literally playing football with the decapitated heads of their prisoners.

wait one...see if I find it.

Leftypol in here, OP

That's why I wake up happy every single day, because I know angl*s are suffering 24/7. I wish more disgraces to fall upon them, until their "people" are erased. Bunch of jewish mischlings.

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Whats ironic is that China called them out on this and Australia proceeded to REEEEEEEEEEEE about it.

Taliban playing football with their prisoner's heads.

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Sounds like they did their job.

Good thing mujahedeen kicked nato lgbt forcess from their country.

It was all in good fun

Based. Death to angl*ids.

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i think the point here is that they killed a fuckton of people who were not doing that.

SAS are literally Zogbots on steroids. The only saving grace is that a lot of them got their legs blown off in Afghanistan and Iraq and in the end they go mental.

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They weren't just randomly bumping off village idiots, these were intel led night time raids. Probably drones watching IEDs being planted then following them back to their homes, and marked for being taken in.

Memeflags are built for BBC

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Let me get this straight Brits screeching when Russia shelling kills few civs and now they are yelling based when their fgt spec ops are competing who kills most civs???? Kek fuck bongs and their double standards hope Putin nukes that wasteland

>our societies ticking over
I think you will find that's down to far less glamorous jobs like binmen, truck drivers, utility workers, road workers etc