Chinese ice cream won't melt even under blow torch

Onononono IsraelXi bros, the little island is making fun of China!
Time to fly the aluminum jets around outside their airspace, that will show them.

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China is a fucking alien place. Nowhere else on Earth has literal fake food.

>it was real in my mind

Attached: 1613574251766.webm (384x384, 2.86M)

Horrific. They missed the fake eggs and paper filled dumplings.

You guys can’t really talk about fake food

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shut up mutt usa is isreal's bitch you retard

Kek you guys fall for this shit, unbelievable.

It's a webm made from a video of American industrial food with made in China slapped onto it.
Oregano is on YouTube.

>buttmad chinks
every time

Lol no it fucking isn't. Americans don't make plastic rice. That is a chinese specialty.

I just make my own food like a normal person, how hard is it to put fruit in oatmeal
But also I will say whatever laws ya'll have make your skittles taste like absolute ass

Post the Australian version. Most of our shit is just as bad.

This shit is older than you, newfag

You have to go back.

Fuck off kike.

I hope you realize all of your pharmaceuticals raws are sourced from China and India

protip: never buy chinese steel or metals.

then you can use it to build spaceships

Prove it. I already know the chinks do this shit. I promise you if I go buy rice, there will NEVER be fake plastic rice grains it. And if there were it would be national fucking headlines. And do you know why? Because we have fucking regulations here and americans LOVE TO SUE.

No it's that these are those clickbait facebook boomer videos that are staged to shit and it's obvious.
I'm sure China does have fucking awful chemical food but that begs the question why you're relying on some Eastern European content farm to show you that when there's plenty of genuine chink fuckery on YT
I could tell with the first shot where they try to show 2 cheeses with different fat content in it like it's spooky one melts and the one with less more carbs and less fat burns.
The baby food one clearly has crushed up magnetic shit in it that you'd 100% see with the naked eye, which would not be magnetic in food and anything magnetic would be more expensive than regular food additives.
Any vitamin will react differently to heat and that has fuck all to do with "natural," that's just chemistry.
Meat glue is very noticeable, would be more expensive to do in this case, and you don't know that because you don't know what the fuck it is.
I know you've probably never eaten real food nor made anything beyond easy mac in your life but this is room temp IQ boomer bullshit. I know our education system sucks but holy shit user.

The Brit ingredients will be just as bad as the American, it's just that they are too deceitful to print it.

Most of those ingredients are vitamins, stupid.

Is Gutter oil fake too?

The only difference between those two is that the brits force all the poison to be listed on the box. You don't seriously think jews would bother to make two separate versions, do you?

Fall for what shit? Details?

There's genuine chinese fuckery like adding cardboard to shit, and there's content farms that post retard "hacks" that you should be able to sniff out from miles away.
One really good way to tell is whether or not the video is actually in fucking China

>ice cream that doesn't melt

Honestly that's pretty impressive.

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Taco bell has been sued for plastic rice grains multiple times.

>shut up mutt usa is isreal's bitch you retard
Careful with that language, Chang. Based IsraelXi won’t appreciate you talking about his masters like that.

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>gluing meat scraps together using vegetable base glues is less profitable than getting prime cut fresh meat

Holy fuck you are a retarded shill. And I won't even bother arguing all your equally retarded bulletpoint arguments because they're all fucking wrong

Because its not icecream, the whole "icecream" that doesn't melt is not new.
Its just a cold goop presented as icecream, not icecream by any stretch of the imagination.
You are even more braindead than chinks.

Taco Bell isn't food. LITERALLY the most abominable fast """"food"""" """"""""""""""restaurant"""""""""""""". Literally NOTHING Taco Bell makes has the ingredients that are supposed to be in it. I'm pretty sure they make their quacamole with actual vomit.

lesson to take from this thread: fake or not, never eat american or chinese produced food, just in case..

Chinese? Yes. American? Also frequently yes. American food may be largely trash, but it's definitely safe. Americans are the most litigious people upon the face of the Earth. Literally worse than jews.

I’d get mad too if chinks exposed that our beef is actually roo testicles

Yeah true about the content farms i believe you are right