First picture of the James Webb space telescope released

10 billion dollars to make a shitty pic like this one.

And you are still telling me space isn't just a way to embezzle taxpayer money?

Attached: James Webb Space Telescope.jpg (980x552, 70.25K)

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>Pay up wagie

Attached: main_image_deep_field_smacs0723-5mb.jpg (1041x1062, 131.23K)

way to not even post the actual full image. i shouldnt be surprised by a science denying chud spreading disinfo images

Attached: JWT.jpg (880x814, 99.53K)

Why do most of the stars/galaxies look copy and pasted

What a stupid fucking picture. Looks like a screenshot from a low budget indie game. Colossal waste of time and money.

Oh that changes everything! Please fund another useless space mission with 10 or why not 100 billion dollar!

Looks like it is set to a grid...

All that money for digitally enhanced bullshit

Data is all that matters, that pic is absolutely stunning in terms of the amount of information it contains

Because who in the right mind would design billions of stars that only act as a background for some shitty simulation?

>Looks like a screenshot from a low budget indie game

Isn't space haram?

Why is everybody on Pol such a humongous brainlet?

another unaccountable federal agency that leeches off tax dollars. NASA should be dramatically reduced and its budget should be given to SpaceX, where actual progress with rockets and space related things is being made

Seems kinda pointless at this stage, they can already see so far away the stuff they are seeing doesn't even exist anymore and knowing more about the early stages of the universe seems to be reaching diminishing returns

That is not the real picture.
These are only artistic interpretations.
this is what the real pictures look like.

Attached: retards.png (915x689, 764.05K)

>we looked out and saw the infinite
>and all i could think was, please get these niggers out of my neighborhood they're so loud omg

Cocksuckers like you completely destroyed science and education.

I exist in a 3 dimensional space with a metric being influenced by surrounding curvature and their respective tensors, how exactly can it be "haram"?

I would perfer if taxpayer money is spent on a telescope than it being given to niggers

Please rephrase this, otherwise you will upset the Americans.

jpeg is a subhuman format, do not disgrace the heavens with a lossy medium.

although gay-pegs are not quite as globohomo as webp (the lossy reddit and buzzfeed listicle format).

use lossless formats only like png or bmp like a civilized white.

It's shitty alright, and the colors even had to be faked!

They can't even get a color camera up there!

All of you fucking luddites and retards saying "hurr waste of money" "hurr looks shooped" honestly neck yourselves. This is a window to the universe 13 billion years ago. There is more data in this image than can be understood in a lifetime. Don't be retarded now

It’s a picture of the carpet at my local laser tag place, Nigel. I can see this when I close my eyes and rub them for a while.