Say something nice about him.

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Yeah desantis can take it if he wants it


Musk and Trump hate eachother because they are the same type of con artist catering for the same low IQ cucks. They are competing against eachother.

I hope so. I would like to see Trump quietly leave the public sphere. Anybody but Trump '24.

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Best scam artist in history

this. I will only vote Republican if he uses the word nigger and kike during the debate. Otherwise I'm voting for any Democrat. nigger, tranny or whatever makes no difference.

He won't. He's too spiteful.

baited so hard

Trump did that himself by becoming the mother of all vaxxcucks.
That was the point where he lost his base.

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I disagree. Elon scams high IQ idiots

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Good. The Collapse draws closer

>Say something nice about him.
Why would we want to vote for someone who allowed an open election theft.

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Who the fuck is that guy? Fuck off eceleb worshipper

Tbh his entire point for existing evaporated end of day jan 6th 2021

If he wasnt willing to do whatever it took to win he shouldnt have tried in the first place

best thing to ever come out of africa.

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>high IQ idiots
>crypto pajeets

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I hope he actually wants it because no other republican would win.

Imagine wanting to vote for a traitor that left his Capitol supporters get fucked, is a vax shill and kisses jew dick daily

Marco Rubio would win at this point

Oh fuck no. I'd unironically vote for acceleration if it's either of those jewed pieces of shit. Pic related.

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Elon, don't make me choose between you and Trump. You may not like the decision.

Drumpf btfo'd

Yeah Elon is the Trump for younger males who don't dream of owning a casino and gold toilets but dream of going to space and electric cars. Both are con artists in a sense. Elon has accomplished more but he is also a con artist with shit like neuralink and the hyperloop. He wants to be viewed as Edison or Tesla when he's really more Steve Jobs with some engineering skills. He didn't even create Tesla he just bought it and hired some smart people. Spacex he hired engineers who designed the Merlin engine and they're now working on the Raptor. Hiring takes skills so I'm not dismissing it but he wants people to think he is Tony Stark down in the lab making cool shit when he's really just a guy yelling at people to make the cool shit for him. And sometimes taht cool shit doesnt work.

Yeah and Trump was supposed to be the pragmatist that was willing to do anything to win.
I don't think we'll ever know what spooked Trump in his final year.

In His name we pray.

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Trump single handedly destroyed Trump's re-election chances.
Nobody with a brain gives a flying shit what Elon says. In fact, every future and current project of Elon's should probably be called "Trump Steaks".

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Kikes are gonna get you for this elon, trump still had a part in the scheme.

>Dems should also call off the attack
Considering that a big part of Trump's first presidency happened out of resentment for Democrats and all their friends, that's an advice they should follow.

DE SANTIS FOR LIFE, NIGGA! *dabs on PMURT's grave*

The stupid fucking shit I hear on this board. Yeah dude it was totally viable to pardon people that weren't even charged yet when it would potentially get his ass in hot water because some of them probably don't deserve pardons like the glowniggers. Oh wait this itself is a glownigger narrative to get people to go do shit like that again and to get rid of the only viable candidate that's at least half non-neocon other than the full neocons out there.

He was Caesar without his legions. The military did not support him, even though he wanted to cross the Rubicon.

I don't care if he campaigns again, I just want him to get back on Twitter to make blue checkmark heads explode.

Who cares. Trump has proven he cn't solve anything even if Biden Shillary are worse.

So he's still a democrat voter then. His stuff about not voting for them is just controlled opposition.

Trump too old? what kind of retarded made up argument is that. Musk just spoiled elites plan, its so clear now bros: DeSantis is copy of trump in terms of his anti-establishment style and views but he is still from Elites and his mission is to take out Trump from primaries

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I would still vote for Trump

>Yeah dude it was totally viable to pardon people
Didn't stop him from pardoning all those criminal jews and niggers...

shills are lying
many such cases
if a meme flag says it, immediately ignore it