Uvalde Footage To Be Released This Week

Governor Abbott has called for the Uvalde hallway footage to be released

Attached: uvalde hallway2.png (678x444, 503.52K)

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don't care about fake and gay glow ops

They'd had time to edit out anything interesting.
Will be cool to see where the jump cuts end and begin because they always do a sloppy job


It will be blurred and chopped to death.

Even more useless than the latest nigger in a ski mask that got shot 80 times video.

Monkey B virus, Buffalo shooting and Uvalde was a distraction while the elite was meeting at Davos.

Attached: makesuthink.png (338x383, 79.45K)

Here is the footage they are gonna release

Attached: 1655846244666.webm (640x352, 1.1M)

>miss all 6 shots
>keep pulling trigger
wtf how is someone that dumb
oh it was a fucking nigger

>30 second long Etch A Sketch bloodspray that he doesn't even notice until his body actually stops responding to him
>looks down seemingly bewildered because there's enough blood in his system to keep him barely conscious but not enough to move his body
What's the minimum stopping power needed to just outright instantly disable an attacker so this kind of thing doesn't happen?

Attached: 24.gif (326x326, 3.13M)

Where is this because it sure isn't a school

>What's the minimum stopping power needed
pic related
>so this kind of thing doesn't happen
you keep firing until they stop breathing
them go down doesn't guarantee that they won't get back up


Attached: 34602679_2.jpg (1800x1350, 121.95K)

Pistols suck at killing people. Watched a video of spic getting mag dumped when he attempted suicide by cop by charging at him with a knife. He fell to the ground after the mag dump, then got back up and attempted to charge again.

>Pistols suck at killing people.
One should learn to aim or at least point the handgun to vitals

Cool I can start edging now in preparation for it


If you want to instantly disable someone you're going to need something more serious than a fucking handgun.

Can't even remember it. The news cycle distorts time.

Big dick Jack Wilson Disagrees, one shot, center of the face from the back of a church sanctuary. Fucker was dead before he hit the floor

doesnt this confirm it was a gay op. feds set up mentally ill beaner tard, want mass carnage for gun control and homeland surveillance, tell cops to stand down so they get a big body count to cry about then get that faggot mattoid mcCONahey to tell you to turn in your guns. cops respond to the call and had were told it was a glow op and they have to wait

never happened.

T zone (both eyebrows to the bridge of the nose) will destroy your brain stem instantly stopping someone. You can also shoot center mass and destroy their heart stopping them nearly instantly.