Now is not the time for fear. That comes later.- Water Wars

Are you read for the Water Wars?

I'm a mechanical engineer, and I've been watching the situation at Lake Mead and Lake Powell closely. For some background for the past 22 years the United States has been in a Mega drought. The largest drought in 1200 years. This drought shows no signs of stopping, and if history is correct it wont continue for just one more year. It can continue for decades even a century. Clearly this is long enough to wipe out a civilization.

Back to the lakes, they are almost to the point in which they will be unable to produce hydro power for the Southwest. This is important as it will be impossible to live there for the 50 million or so Americans in the region.

What about aquifers you may say? Also in dire straits. Ogallala aquifer which supplies much of the breadbasket of the country with water is dangerously low. Farmers in the flyover states are already determined to pump the aquifer dry in order to provide for their families.

So whats the situation? We are about to run out of water and power for 50 million Americans, and will be unable to grow enough food for the rest of the country.

Timeline of events:
2023: The masses catch on. It is already too late.
2024: Panic sets int. Governments invest money into infrastructure, too late at this point.
2025: The time for fear.

What can we do? Engineers like me need money to solve the problem. Not just a couple million. Think the entire US military budget. Even if we had it now. Right now. It's too late it would take years to build the infrastructure necessary to do anything meaningful with desalination technologies.

Who does this affect? All of us. No one is safe. No amount of money or status or prestige will save anyone when the water wars start.

You better pray for rain anons. You better pray that I'm not right, because if I am we are about to enter the scariest possible future for all of us. Possibly in the history of the world.

Note: This does not detail the wildfire danger.

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>I'm a mechanical engineer
Your opinions about water and hydrology are irrelevant.

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> i'm a mechanical engineer and i know when 2 24 year old boaties on youtube post daily vlogs about lake mead approaching deadpool that things must be bad
kill yourself

I live by the great lakes so literally not my problem. Hope those 50 million taco niggers kill each other over the last bottled water.

Montana, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, some of Utah, New Mexico, - like 4 million people all get genocided by California for water.

I worked for the TSA for 5 years, I think it'll be fine for at least 2 more weeks.

agreed, truly stupid, moronic OP post. Just total evidence of failure of life. Nothing else is to be said.

I live in the Bay Area and the drought is no joke. I believe it's somewhat cyclical but now we have twice as many ppl in CA than in the last draught of the late 70's. I wouldn't be betting long term on a move to Arizona or Nevada... or even Southern California

Hi shills, not enough Biden dick?

Not my problem

Well, my dad is a Nintendo engineer and he said

Damn the quality of this board really went downhill after the Biden leaks.

What happened to the original user base of this site? I need old Any Forums, not you boomers, zoomers, MSM shills, twitter warriors, glowies, etc.

i belive this war will be averted since the fallout from the bussy wars will be fierce enuff to reduce population by 87% at lowest estimate. Still, good work user, we will look forward to mitigate any potential risks that may exist.

about a week ago I read a couple of articles on Rio Verde, Arizona. Their wells are running dry and Scottsdale is no longer going to allow them to use their water supply to truck water in. Rio Verde can still go further abroad to other communities to truck in water, but those communities may also say "no mas" in the future as the drought continues.

Meanwhile, real estate developers continue to build houses for sale in Rio Verde. People assume you must have water if the house if for sale, and then they are in for a rude awakening. There's an old law from the 1980's that says an subdivision more than 5 houses must guarantee a 100 year water supply ... so guess what the developers are doing? Subdividing their suburbs up into tiny tracts that less than 5 houses. Now they can still get their building permits and not have to guarantee water. HA HA get fukt!

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Two more weeks

Got damn, that's a redpill. Thanks for the info

Just take the salt out of the ocean water idiot

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>mechanical engineer
That word gives me PTSD

Nah we're nowhere near actual crisis mode yet.
We have just barely hit "stop watering your lawn so much" ordinances out west.

It's a long ways off and several winters as bad or worse than last years in terms of snowpack

Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord
Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord
Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord
Thus saith the Lord, thus saith the Lord
Since you refuse to free my people
All through the land of Egypt
I send a pestilence and plague
Into your house, into your bed
Into your streams, into your streets
Into your drink, into your bread
Upon your cattle, on your sheep
Upon your oxen in your field
Into your dreams, into your sleep
Until you break, until you yield
I send the swarm, I send the horde
Thus saith the Lord

Attached: 1200px-Star_of_David.svg.png (1200x1386, 46.66K)

> discipline with high female enrollment
So, you are like a male nurse?

I have a ground breaking solution that can solve this overnight.

Don’t build cities in the fucking DESERT!!! Problem solved

I live in Vegas. Trying to get out soon because this very reason. I was in DC a few weeks ago and a sitting Senator told me bluntly that he greatly expects certain food shortages in the near future. Between that and the ongoing drought, the Desert West is going to experience a gradual, biblical humanitarian crisis.

Probably gonna go back to the Midwest where water is plentiful. Right now Vegas is surprisingly doing very little for conservation, with just the occasional reminders that watering lawns on Sunday gets you a fine. And California's demand will continue to dominate use of the Colorado River.

Read that again, several states will be droughted because of Californian greed.
Southwest is FUCKED

I'm in Texas and know that leaving would probably be the best thing due to the coming crisis. But I'm having a hard time deciding to leave Texas or not.

I love my state, but Texas is going to be fucked by this water crisis soon, and we got too many illegals coming in. We have the land for these people, but no the resources and that's what no one sees to understand.

Convince me to leave user, I want to go. But my love and pride of my home state keeps me grounded here.

i am.