Is NASA a huge money laundering scam operation?

> Hubble's image of SMACS 0723 group compared with the new JWST release

30 years, 15 billion dollars just to have images with "auto corrected color" and an astigmatism filter?

What in the actual fuck, this is outrageous.

Attached: Hubble vs JWST.webm (640x480, 596.22K)

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Makes me wonder how they can lie about this shit and NOT get caught by the world's best physicist, cosmologist, but instead get caught by basement dwellers on Any Forums.

NASA is a joke.

It's the US Military.
F-35 fighter jet.
NASA invents shit, outside of just doing space shit. Stop watching Television.

The niggers literally took a Hubble image and boosted the color and brightness. It's literally the same image.

Where is the pic of the hubble or jwst taking pics they're the best pics

Space is fake and gay

Attached: moonshills.png (1086x365, 191.65K)

Like I said, it makes me wonder.

I'm convinced they realized decades ago that human space travel was unpossible and they've been larping ever since.

Have you ever noticed that literally not a single dude who actually "walked on the moon" is anything even resembling a celebrity? Like not at all. You could run any of them over in the grocery store parking lot and not know who they were, even if they screamed their own name. Buzz Aldrin is only memorable because his name is fucking buzz. They did not hype them as American heroes they just let them fizzle out and die gee I wonder why.

The space shuttle is a glorified verticle takeoff high altitude jet for deploying spy sattelites.

But the "manned mission" was entirely abandoned and what passes for an astronaut is just a satellite repairman.

the very same ones that all went to epstine pedo island yep 100% trust worthy

Yup, all the same ones. Across the globe.

Good analysis. Everybody loves a good money laundering operation, especially picrel.

Attached: 179846368821.png (816x1200, 603.09K)

No refunds

Attached: 1657089882033.jpg (320x320, 16.03K)

Yes, it’s money laundering and putting stuff like this out there by (((NASA))) helps feed into the kiked nihilism philosophy that is common in your typical leftist NPC. Utilmately nihilists and space fags that are all omg so le insignificant are just looking for a justification for their empty lives. My life doesn’t matter and huge empty vacuum of space just proves it, hurrdurr. If life is meaningless then they can excuse their meaningless directionless void of a life with no fulfillment to themselves.

Attached: 34E05BF6-43C5-4CC9-A845-043A183EB198.jpg (708x532, 55.25K)

If your cousins care so much to obfuscate it with nonsense, that means...

kys pedo faggot

Attached: 6mhsfm.jpg (500x508, 75.86K)

>30 years, 15 billion dollars
15 billion over 30 years is literally nothing; they are wasting 660 billion on feeding niggers every year

Attached: fiscal impact by racial group.png (1082x808, 87.11K)

Attached: 6mhl6t.jpg (500x654, 76.65K)

the electric universe theory and sun-drive climate change has lots of support among 'real' scientists but both fields of thought are actively suppressed in academia, are ignored in the media, and are considered a 'conspiracy theory' in the pop culture.

science is fake and gay.

Jews stealing money like always

Attached: 6mi474.jpg (772x500, 143.63K)


Attached: 6mgtu1.jpg (500x618, 118.61K)

planets are just visible waveforms moving in a spherical pattern, none of them are physically real.

>the world's best physicist, cosmologist
They all took a sterilizing vaccine. Their opinions are proven to be easily manipulated beyond reliability.

>just to have images with "auto corrected color" and an astigmatism filter


Attached: 1657598853524.webm (720x720, 2.47M)

You stupid lying CHINK, you're literally posting a FAKE AI GENERATED ANIMATION made by redditors
