Anons Im finally seeing a psychiatrist and hopefully will be getting on anxiety meds. Have any of you taken them before...

Anons Im finally seeing a psychiatrist and hopefully will be getting on anxiety meds. Have any of you taken them before? Did they help?

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>tits picrel
>larp story
>medical info question

This is a bot.

Dont take meds dude, you aint fixing shit, you gotta fic your life instead of masking your mistakes with pills, the only thing you are going to achieve is depend on a drug to be happy

Built for BBC

Unironically don't bother, and just order drugs from the darkweb.
Don't encourage (((them))).

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I thought I was still on /r9k mi amigo, sorry about that. She is pretty hot though right? Tits get people's attention, I mean you're here right?

Thing is this has been going on since I was a little kid. Ive always had anxiety its not a recent development or a result of life choices.

Anxiety meds.
>So like omg, the world, I just cannot deal
>Go to jewish doc, after sucking his dick he gives me prescription for xanax
>Like OMG, I can now get them at the pharmacists without having to suck of strangers dicks

Lithium and an anti psychotic are giving me my life back

I'm on a disability income that includes full prescription drug coverage. Instead of darkweb I just go in and lie about back pain to get premium meds for free.

They do help but you kinda get addicted to them......try to avoid beta blockers and ACE inhibitors if possible

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Jordan Peterson highly recommends them.

Instead of meds try doing Fly Agaric prepared properly or try ashwaganda that lowers the stress level as well.

Wellbutrin and Prozac drove me insane, was incredibly depressed until i did mushrooms many times and now am fine. Stopped smoking weed which also helped. In my experience it's not worth it, but if you are in such a bad situation that you want to try drugs that cause people to go insane and commit ridiculous crimes than go ahead.

Benzos are tough because at first they will work, but you will quickly gain tolerance. After a year you could go from 1mg of Xanax a day to 8mg and the 8mg would not work the way 1mg used to. That's why they'll probably give you a benzo for "breakthrough" and an SSRI. Your doctor knows best, but I would be very hesitant to just take anything.

Good luck, fren.

they destroy your libido and test levels, nuke your ability to get an erection, but at least you don't get scared and become a more effective worker for Mr Shekelstein

I say do it OP! Live like there is no tomorrow!

Psychiatry is a racket for the jews

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>Get put on meds that may or may not work
>If they don't work, they'll make you suicidal
>If you didn't kill yourself, you will be put on a different type of med that may or may not work
>If they do work, coming off of them will make you suicidal

>Have any of you taken them before? Did they help?
Eventually. I tried and failed with several before finding one that both worked and didn't have awful side effects. I take cymbalta for OCD.

And if you microdose both of them you will feel wonderful after 1-2 months of usage and it will actually improve your life

They CAN help, but its roulette as to whether they will, and ALL pills are just buying time. If you aren't going to therapy and identifying and resolving the issue, every single pill you take that won't make you an absolute dope (like lithium) will eventually stop working.

Just think of these drugs like morphine, and the problem is a bullet in your leg. It'll let you dig into the meat and rip out the problem, but it won't solve your problems by itself.

Also! Refuse benzos. If your doctor is good they will be very reluctant to prescribe them to you anyway. Do not touch benzos. They are fucking poison.

On for thirty years
Without i would be dead
Congrats on your new life user

Used to take benzodiazepines, but not for anxiety. Got addicted and w/d was horrible. Just drink ya puss

>It starts with a trip to the psychiatrist for depression
>It ends with your dick in a surgical waste bin and dying your hair purple.

Beware op

open chink bob

She has great tits user

I went to a shrink for a whole year and guess what medicine she put me on?

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