What is the GOP obsession with Hunter Biden when Trump has done far worse?

What is the GOP obsession with Hunter Biden when Trump has done far worse?

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Was it because he wore blackface?

>far worse?

Who cares about trump, I care about the pedo Biden family.

I hate trump and biden both. I think I'm the last one remaining on this shithole that feels that way.

Because neither side can see their own hypocrisy.

How did her pussy stay so fresh?

pol secretly loves to jerk it to hunter dick


>goy gets 2 billion dollars

>feds don't make sure he pays the taxes

Ok dude

I got some bad news bud....

only you trannies care about that shit and stop fantasying about us jerking off you degenerate

Glow harder OP

This faggot gets 6 figures a year from the DNC to post this shit

No I do to fren

no i bet he does it for free.

It confirms the world view. Right wingers are tired of getting fired or banned for pointing to the elephant in the room.

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Place yer bets and cap yer screens, gents.

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Why is this troglodyte blaming trump for all the shit pedo Peter has done?

>1 post by this ID
Please contain your faggotry and stop bumping this shit. No you aren't "owning" the OP by bumping his fucking thread.

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0 this is just theater for the weak minded

Ghislaine Maxwell could burn Trump by revealing how many kids Epstein set him up with.

if Trump was on her list, they would have release it by now trannie now go back

Who pays the brooklyndad?
Someone has to be funding this asshole

Yeah, you have a majority in Congress, a weaponized DOJ and courts and still can’t find anything that sticks. And you retards all fall for your echo chamber hope porn every time!

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>when Trump has done far worse?
lol, the president lied about talking to his son about his overseas business dealings and this is their retaliation.

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Yeah that's why she's going down for 20 years. She's protecting Trump. The media is trying to silence any bad press about Trump, like public record court documents. I think you've solved the case.