Great Replacement Theory DEBOONKED

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his point is literally "yes we're getting replaced but not really because people are people are people".

He unironically made some good points

I hate jewtube so much

>1 post by this id

My comments on this video:
tl;dr he denies race as solely being about skin color. Very poor arguments presented throughout.

Why did they get chud wojak to make that video


There are no white people in the USA so idk what the issue is

>There is no secret plot to get rid of white folks

By the very definition of 'secret plot' you wouldn't know it existed, so how can you state for certainty that no 'secret plot' exists? The only reason you would say that without realizing the self-contradiction is either complete stupidity, or to unabashedly further that exact plot.

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Why attempt to deny something They have admitted for decades? Some of the official names even includes the word replacement in it.

Its typical kike pilpul. They say there's no "secret" plan because they've openly admitted it for hundreds of years at this point

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i skimmed through it but the gist I got was that half blacks would be considered white as well because we are all mixed, yet he denies that the black genes are usually dominant and they completely fuck up the white parts.

pairing someone thats smart and weak with someone thats strong and retarded doesn't make a smart and strong person. It just makes the offspring weak and retarded


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i liked this place better when it was 98% hwhite
now its maybe 60%

Leftist media...
>Lol, you're not being replaced you racist!
Also Leftist media...
>America is on track for white people to be a minority in less than a decade! Finally!

They're all old as fuck, tired, and fallacious arguments.

legitimately pathetic video, didn't even address most of the hard facts that form the basis of white nationalist arguments ffs at least the kike journos are unrepentantly blantant about how brown immigrants are systematically placed in the whitest areas to dilute that population's homogeneity

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Gaslighting faggot

Doesn't cite fertility rates. What is he hiding?

Ive been watching old movies/tv from the 30's-50's and its like seeing another planet. The fucking cars didn't even lock because everyone was white so no one would mess with your property, and the economy was so good that the criminals didn't bother stealing cars very often since they were cheap since America still produced things. I get the same feeling when i see pictures of California in the 60-70's.. a sea of muscular blond men and women without a fatty or a 3rd worlder in sight

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he is not debunking it, he's just saying "yeah we are being replaced but that´s a good thing"