Nord stream shut down

This is unironically the most crucial part of the entire war. Russia is betting Germany backs out of the pro Ukraine alliance to get their gas back. If Germany doesn't then Russia loses the one economic line they have left and are done. It's due or die for both sides.

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Just open nord stream 2 sir

Germans in panic
they know that if they were in Russia's shoes, they wouldn't resume the gas

Not a problem.

I would ask you to tell me if you feel the same way in a weak but I have a feeling you wont have the power to turn on your computer by then.

maybe someone should tell putin that germany has almost 40 000 US soldiers in their country and this bet is not likely to succeed

lol, lmao

even though Germany probably can't kick out those 40+ bases with tens of thousands of US troops legally, it's not about them
it's the fact that Germany's elites are all puppets
otherwise they could organize massive protests at those bases if they wanted

yeah because the us military isn’t overly reliant on electric powered technology

Its all part of the plan to go green faster. Everything is fine.

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I can see it going either way.
>Germany cucks out even more than they already are (remember they sent Germany helmets while the rest of Europe is sending weapon systems). Germany just abandoning all sanctions against Russia would make them hated more than they already are and Germany would use their rule over the EU to cancel EU sanctions thus winning Russia the war at the cost of EU collapsing
>Germany says no due to it losing them the US and causing France to use their beytral to their advantage. Germany sticks it out, has a horrible recession but Russia just gambled and lost the only economic tie it had to the real world, Russia's already struggling economy flatlines

too more weak, brother

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The economic flat lines are not going to be an issue for Russian. Things will cost more, allot more. But Russians will still be able to buy bread, milk eggs, and trade for resources with China and India.

Germans and Europeans won’t. The machine will grind to a halt with no fuel, or at least down grade drastically in production.

Some one drew this, what a cope

>40000 mutts * stationary bicycles hooked to generators
will that really be enough to offset even the electric generation they'd get from NS1? not to mention the other industrial usage they have for natural gas..

>Giving germany gas
Bad idea.

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Well, he is actually right. It would be as easy as that, unironically. But won't happen because we don't have a sovereign government.

>Some one
there are literally no natives left, are there?

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Russia will become even poorer than it already is. Russians are cucked so will take it. Germans will still live better than Russians without starvation but they are faggots and can't stand even basic reduction in economics.

If they let Russia blackmail them once they will probably do it again in the future.

US army stationed in germany doesnt need all the russian gas germany uses for industry or house heating

Russia will onw the wheat basket of Europe called Ukraine, combined with its industry kek
we need no narrative, the truth is enopugh to make you foam with anger and shit your pants

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The US. govt makes sure the leftard German govt. doesn't cuck out. Putins Empire will lose its only revenue stream, resource sales. Russian socialism and the bloated welfare apparatus, which is currently installed to appease the vatniks, will collapse. Russians will get worse civil unrest than in the 90s.

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>Ruin own economy
>At best (assuming you actually win) gain wheat which Russia doesn't need because it already has a wheat surpluss
>Wheat is only required by middle eastern countries and aren't a high value (money) crop
Not a very good plan

But coal are black not green

What if i don’t want to support any European niggers or german energy problems

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You don't get a choice faggot.

I know… biden is gay
Go back to covid camp dipshit