Self defense now illegal in nys
Indian stabs nigger after being attacked
Arrested for murder

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Kek I feel retarded I assumed he was Indian because convenience store despite his name being Jose

He's getting off. Even nigs are for it. Eric Adams. Left wing media have given him their sanction. Which means they finally released the video of the woman stabbing his arm, and the fucking sound where the nig tells him he's gonna fuck him up. Our overlords gave the green light

He stabbed and killed a good boy. Good boys are a federally protected class, you can’t just defend yourself against them. They could be doctors and engineers someday

The fact that he was in prison with more violent niggers for doing the right thing makes me enraged

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Imagine importing a bunch of foreigners to take out the White majority with grandiosas ideas of a brown coalition.. only for niggers to fuck the entire thing up because they can’t stop being niggers. This country as it stands would be able to get by with some semblance of unity without niggers. Niggers are just that counterproductive to a society.

Literal turner diary material

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This touches a deeper question.
Niggers are afraid of spics.

Spics are smaller, less muscular, but 10 times more fierce and determined to kill than blacks could ever dream to be.
Gangs of spics clean black hoods in a decade like they did in LA and so many other places.
Spics are more numerous and do not kill each other on sight like niggas do. Unless they are 4th generation Chicanos that got negrified living in the US.

Every news like this one makes niggers panic at the idea of the hated Y pipo ever leaving and having to deal with a police force 75% spic staffed.

Uhhh... he killed the jigaboo as the jigga was walking away.

I see a new mural in NY.

A White Beard.

donate to his self defense fund. It's about defending your right to self defense. Even if you are completely selfish and only care about yourself this still affects you. Any case where self defense is proven to not be legal can be referenced and used against you in the future.

Attached: donate.png (1486x672, 532.89K)

black people have 19% of their genome as DNA from an ancestor that no other human beings have... not Whites, not Hispanics, not Asians

There are like 4 different species of human on the planet right now. Black people, Jews, Australian Abbos, and then everyone else.

If the world was just Whites, Asians, and Hispanics, it really wouldn't be that bad. Only blacks and Jews have issues with live and let live

Based Dominican puts down jogger… they get lots of practice putting down haitians

this is true. i grew up in neighborhood where they ran out the negroes.


Isn't it on givesendgo because gofundme cancelled the one set up there for him?

Everyone living in jew york deserves death.

>I stood up to a nig that had 40 lbs on me. He knew I was serious, there are some big nigs out there though that I don’t mess with they’re are probably in prison or the NFL because I haven’t met one yet

They'll get it soon enough. When ww3 goes off NYC will be the first to go.

wheres the webm

>nigger mayor
>nigger DA
New York is fucked and if you stay there you deserve what you get. Leave now.

Attached: stabbed.webm (480x360, 2.88M)

Where the webm

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You're welcome ;^)

based. fuck niggers

So did the guy not have a weapon? The store worker definitely gas a reasonable expectation that he could be killed because it happens often

didnt those fucker say they cant have bullet proof glass? how did the nig even get that close to the guy/ he walked around. this shit wouldnt happen if stupid niggers in the local government were there

found another vid

Attached: stabbed-1.webm (480x360, 1.42M)

I like the part where the knife goes in the neck and the nigger's blood goes squirt squirt on the spicks right forearm.

squirt squirt.

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Oh joy I found it on my drive..

some say that we'll regret the time we spent here when we could have been doing other better things when we're on our death beds in our final moments of life

I beg to disagree.

Attached: Nigger squirt squirt.jpg (808x833, 129.98K)

As a Mexican, I hate niggers SOOOOO fucking much.

Probably the only place that actually bans OC spray.

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imagine getting disgusting nigger blood on you. i would be freaking out. looks like he cut himself too?

>good morning

>you rob my store nigger bitch?