Imagine seeing an image like this and still believing in deities / god / higher power / etc

Imagine seeing an image like this and still believing in deities / god / higher power / etc.
Imagine being stuck with a mentality of some literal ape-brained cavetard that had no idea how anything worked in the world, no idea what physics was, no idea what biology was, no idea what stars were, no idea what the sun was and attributed celestial movements to an imaginary all powerful sky being.

Imagine seeing something like this and continuing to believe that this little rock we live on in this little backwater solar system that is one of brillions upon billions that exists in one galaxy among billions is some super duper special place where some special entity created humans for some special purpose. Everything you believe is completely BTFO by one simple image. An image containing hundreds if not thousands of galaxies, and that's just what could be captured with the light that was collected. Imagine the near infinite amount of other planets / solar systems / galaxies out there in the universe, the sheer amount of mass, the sheer amount of things that we cannot even begin to comprehend because of the scale. and you still believe in your jewish fairy tales and believe all the other countless fairy tales from human history are wrong, but not YOUR jewish fairy tales with the jew on a stick, no those ones are the one true fairy tale! All those other gods, religions, cults from thousands of years of human civilization, they were wrong but my cult and my god, that's the right one and I'm gonna go to a super duper special place in the clouds that is paradise once I die to live a blissful life of happiness because I didn't piss off my sky daddy based on the fairy tales I was brainwashed into reading from childhood!

Attached: upud5pzg32b91.jpg (2799x2856, 605.23K)

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Attached: OP.jpg (266x189, 4.88K)

Yep, still believe in God. Oh well, guess I am an ape according to you.

Impresive sir, I would like to meet the creator of that shit.

Stop with your space shit faggot

and here come the triggered seething christcucks lol, post more fedora pictures since you have no arguments.

imagine believing cgi pictures are real

Based other Austria

>adjusts fedora

Attached: 1615573835882.jpg (1280x1307, 1.61M)

"Science" believers believe:

- Universe and time came from nothing through random chance
- Life came from inorganic matter (never replicated even in a lab)
- That first single-celled organism turned into all life on Earth through random genetic mutation and you are related to a potato
- Irreducibly complex biological mechanisms like sexual reproduction from asexual organisms can be formed through random genetic mutation
- Horseshoe crabs were practically the same 400 million years ago but you were a fish
- Lining up fossils of similar looking animals is proof that one evolved into the other
- Modern humans existed for 200,000 years but did practically nothing for ~196,000 years and then suddenly started building amazing civilizations and leaving documents/records
- The Earth got its water from getting hit by space ice

It's just an optical illusion. If you could get past the outer shell protecting this sound stage then you would see its just a 3D projection. There are errors ever so often. Some of the old incandescent lights will start to go out that backlight the projection and the stars will flicker red and white. I suggesting replacing with LED's and they dont have the budget for it. Said it fools enough people to "get the job done" and "if it aint broke, dont fix it" which I think are just excuses.

Space is fake, earth is flat, and OP is gay.

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Why is our Solar System always "backwater", stop watching Star Wars you fucking nerd. We could be the most advanced civilization in the Universe.

Looks like a close up of someone's countertop

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If you've proven there's no "creator" of this universe, then you've also successfully proven that we're not living in a simulation either, and have also somehow managed to disprove every other possible "artifical origin" hypothesis. What experiment gave you such insight, "the science" boy?

Didn't read because your a small minded retard and I'm not even religious

How could I not believe your statement with repeating sevens?

you're conflating god with religion there
the only correct stance is we dont know. thats the best and the most neutral position to be in. science cant prove nor disprove god, but it can easily disprove the mumbojumbo thrown around by religious cucks. if you proclaim yourself an atheist you have an obligation to proof god's unexistence, and that is hard to do

I've never been religious growing up. But the more I learn about cutting edge physics the more I'm convinced there is some kind of higher God like power. Earth seems to be rare. Too many constants are finely tuned for us to live. All of physics conspires to preserve causality so our actions are inherently meaningful.


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>small team of soibois, in just a few years, create a game called No Man's Sky
>game is only a few gigs and generates an entire universe with infinite planets and lifeforms

yeah it's definitely impossible that our universe has a creator, just ignore the equations that govern the mechanics of literally everything from the atomic scale to the galactic scale

Attached: spiral-fibonacci-2.jpg (870x630, 129.8K)

I can't imagine not believing in God after seeing images like that.

We all believe in things we can't see. At the end of the day those are just pixels on the screen, you're the one believing that it means anything at all. Just like at the end of the day when I read the book of Mormon I believe that those stories are about people who really existed who testify of Christ.

Is Atheism Dead… it’s a book, go read it and seethe as science proves that intelligent design and fine tuning are undeniable and the odds of creation without it are nearly incalculable and literally unimaginable

How about they turn it back and take a shot or a livestream from the whole physically impossible earth spinning in a physical impossible jewniverse?
>Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

3-body problem

>Your eyes reveal the truth (about perspective)
>You can see the strings people!
>The number one Flat Earth proof
>Flat Earth Perspective
>The naked emperor - seeing a curved horizon
>From 1 Mile high Ortographic view
>Clouds lit from above at sunset
>Exploring the Firmament

>Where is the Curve
>Flat Earth explained - why it matters
>This is a ball on a flat earth
>The Biblical Earth Model You Can't Unsee
>What the
>PhD gets a dose of Flat Earth

>Utah Lake Curvature Experiment 2020 (Updated) Flat Earth

Attached: 40000 ft - Boeing 747 SOFIA (aka Hubble Telescope).webm (1280x720, 2.57M)

Imagine being so blind that your own image works against you to disprove all of your verbal diahrea. No matter if every religion on earth is wrong you still have no basis to disprove God. Especially when you yourself realize how big the universe is and how insignificant we are in comparison. Your stupidity is only surpassed by your arrogance.