What are the chances that ww3 happens later this year and how much will it be like ww1?
I've been noticing many parallels to the great waw/

Attached: PBF-Skub-1.png (750x996, 183.25K)

>later this year
It’s happening tomorrow user. Russia cuts gas to all of Europe and invades Lituania

How many retards are going to be talking about World War 3? If we go 100 years from now without any global wars breaking out, we're still going to have millions of people mentioning it.

It's for the same reasons, banks over people who don't want foreigners issuing debt in their names that is spent by people who hate their race by Arabian racists who own all the news, banks, universities, governments and financial houses.

Tens of millions will die, banks will be erected according to who wins.

Simple really, no sense beating yourself up over it. The anomaly to explain is that you expected something other than this.

Better chances that you’ll be distracted by mainstream newsfeeds and ask stupid questions on a Chinese image board. NPC nigger, turn your iPhone off and go outside and look and see if anything is happening

When two nations go to war and one wins, the winner gets to issue assets to self and then issue the debt made by those assets to the negative credit of the loser, that they then have to pay the minimum balances on that debt or else be confined to a concrete box, and it has to be paid or else even harsher punishments are brought down on their heads, like a farmer forces chattel to be the energetic source of his income. But people enslaving other people and using racist men at banks to do it.

Go back in time 100 thousand years an examine the condition of mankind. It was the same thing just more primitive tools.

man.... don't use this shit to jerk off, that's all I can say about that.

by now? 50%

And they are fake and played by the same foreign invaders on both sides since at least 1000 years ago, but probably much more than that.

shameless self-check because you are niggers that don't check less obvious numbers

never gonna happen. the doomers just love doomposting.


Fuck you nigger. I always use Skub to jerk it.

Wasted trips faggot

double faggot

This seems like a bit of a waste too kek

It's likely, but not likely to be WW1 again. You don't have multiple combatants with some degree of parity. Instead on one side, you have a great power with multiple proxies in one bloc and then a couple of 2nd rate powers with a small number of client states but extremely destructive weapons.

We won't know what to compare it to until it's over.

Oddly, WWI was punctuated by a pandemic. WW3 will have been prefaced by one.

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I guess I'll have too agree with you on that.

Kek agrees, that’s all it means.

triple checked

>What are the chances that ww3 happens later this year and how much will it be like ww1?
what happened when china installed joe biden?