Charts predict the future of politics and the world/society in general

Whenever something big happens, and the market "reacts", most people try to reason and thus blame the market development on basis of whatever happened. However, that's the wrong approach. The market doesn't react to happenings. Instead, happenings occur according to the given "ripeness" of a market, like clockwork.

That's why technical analysis works - not all of the time, but it's by no means useless if you know what you're doing. And no matter how or when TA fails, it still fits into a bigger pattern on a greater timescale. That's quite remarkable.

It's almost as if the market/charts are a vision into the future. Yes, they seem to "react" to happenings, like war, corona etc. However, notice how they still, always follow the "rules" of TA - if not short term, then on longer terms. But why? - It's all grounded in mass psychology - the force controlling all markets. The real world is not deattached from the markets - people just interpret it upside-down - which is natural, since it's illogical that some computer chart can predict bad times coming. Humans have instincts, and most of us can sense if something is ominous - meaning we can "predict" the future. The markets get shaped by instinct well before any happening occurs. You could call it a collective intelligence prediction. No one can say specifically what will happen, but it's easy to tell that something will happen - it's in the charts.

Attached: sp500.png (1466x818, 64K)

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I'm an autist, and I've been a cryptofag since 2013, and I can't even keep track of how many times "bad news" have come around just as the bollinger bands narrowed in, and all the other common technical indicators were ripe for a dump, and then the bad news dropped, like clockwork. Afterwards, you had/have thousands of midwits trying to rationalize how the happening affect the market and so on and so forth. Cryptos are of course one thing, but it's the same with the general stock market. It's mass psychology. Wars, pandemics, food crises etc. ALWAYS occur when the charts are ripe for it.

Having said all of this. My message is: The markets won't collapse this year, or next year. If you look at S&P500 or any other index (or stock for that matter), then you can see that they're still in a bull market. We're just experiencing a small correction after the "post-corona" boom. Furthermore, the "corona-crash" was not due to corona, however illogical it may seem. No, instead it was a correction that simply had to happen since the markets have been mooning since the "crisis" of 2008.

The real crisis will come in late 2024 to mid 2025. The charts are clear. The world doesn't determine the charts - the charts determine what happens in the world. It's crazy, but that's the reality we live in. There haven't been any spikes whatsoever on the bigger indexes since 2008. Yes, they've gone up a lot, but they haven't spiked. It's still ramping up for some way more insane action the coming 2-3 years, to them collapse like the world has never seen.

You still have 2-3 years to prepare. Stock up food, precious metals, fire wood and whatever necessities you might need. It's in the charts. The charts tell you that something bad is gonna happen in 2-3 years from now. I can't tell you what it is, no one can, but I'm fully convinced that it will happen - not before, not after. The charts predict happenings - it's not the happenings that shape charts. Initially, it's hard to get your head around, but the more you look into it, the more it makes sense. It's the truth, and if you don't already realize this, you will when the time comes.

So there's still time to prep. Late 2024 to mid 2025 is your deadline. If you haven't secured your ass by then, you're most likely gonna perish. Now I have told you. Do with this information as you wish, but don't act surprised when everything collapses in 2-3 years from now.

There's 5 months from about this point before stuff will start to get sour
Unless some spontaneous and drastic change happens in the next 3 months the whole world will essentially be doomed to decline of quality of life and stability
After that point it will indeed take a few years for the pain to grow to the point of genuine collapses of large states and genuine war but after that deadline it will be nearly inevitable

No, it will take longer. It's in the charts. Late 2024 to mid 2025. That's when the markets will crash harder than ever before. Humans always underestimate the time it takes for something to unfold, be it war, civil war, chaos or whatever. If you think it takes 6 months, you can easily 5x that number. The human mind is craving happenings. We like chaos as much as order - because it's interlocked. People who are in an "order" state of mind - meaning that they don't see danger coming, they're usually 5x slower in their prediction. They think that what happens in 6 months from now, will happen in 3 years from now. People who are in a "chaotic" state of mind (meaning that they know the world isn't a fairytale), are usually 5x ahead, meaning that they think it's gonna happen a week from now, although it's not happening before a month from now.

My entire point is.. You don't need news, knowledge about the world or anything in order to predict when shit hits the fan. All you need to do is to learn how to read the charts, cause they're mass psychology, and mass psychology comes from humans, who sense ominousness well before it happens - but they interpret it differently as per their current state of mind (chaos vs order as I just explained).

Collective intelligence is a very real thing. The markets are ahead of world issues, if you will - by years in fact. .

market charts vision

present day issues blamed on predominant arrangement that crops up when you do an search.

What are you all? Fungi in a petri dish? This isn't tendrilcity to locate source of poison for retaliation sequences, you have brains. Use them.

Attached: bam_bammy_jewish_economy.png (1026x899, 463.51K)

Why the fuck is black inequality a metric?
How does one even meter that

>People who are in an "order" state of mind - meaning that they don't see danger coming, they're usually 5x slower in their prediction. They think that what happens in 6 months from now, will happen in 3 years from now. People who are in a "chaotic" state of mind (meaning that they know the world isn't a fairytale), are usually 5x ahead, meaning that they think it's gonna happen a week from now, although it's not happening before a month from now.
If you take the average of this, you get a reading that is very close to that of the market charts. It's weird, but in a sense, also logical.

If you take a board of wood that's 2.85 m long, and you ask 1000 people how long it is, some will say 1 meter, some will say 5 meter, some will guess it correctly, but if you add all the guesses and divide them with the number of participants, you'll get extremely close to the actual length. It's fucking fascinating. Collective psychology. The same force that rules the markets.

>Collective psychology.
A dangerous term to use on Any Forums

Attached: download (22).png (300x140, 24.3K)

Interesting thread, OP. I have nothing to contribute. Just hoping to keep this alive.

I think that this collective psychology is grounded in the fibonacci sequence, cause it shares a very profound similarity: precision according to extrapolation.

Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 etc. etc.. The combined value of the preceeding two values make up the value of the subsequent value. The more you extrapolate on this, the closer you get to the golden ratio (fibonacci) - 1.618.........

It seems logical that our collective psychology would also be ruled by this "algorithm". We're ruled by it regarding so many other things, among perception of beauty. Beauty isn't random, it's programmed. Example: The closer the proportions of the components of a human face (mouth, jaw, eyes, nose etc.) are to the golden ratio (1,618... to infinity), the more beautiful it is being perceived. There's literally a mathematic reason why Brad Pitt makes women wet. It's fibonacci - the golden ratio. And that's just the face. All other body proportions are ruled by it too. Also nature - trees, flowers, animals etc.

Attached: bradpittproporciónaurea.jpg (400x247, 37.18K)


Based. Thanks user.

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We're well into the schizo hours of Any Forums. (usually past midnight yuro time), so I'm ready for it.

So black inequality means something else in the finance world right ? that is not an official metric used by finance is it

The peak human physique!
>According tot he Fibonacci ration

Attached: Peak human physique.png (320x516, 47.91K)

You got it upside down. A "perfect" human is 1.618 longer from their feet to their navel, than they are from the navel to the top of their head.

>You got it upside down.
I know
But i though it was fucking hilarious to make this

Maybe the real Hitler is the fun you had along the way

cool story

type into a pdf and send to economics websites

make $$

The perfect width ratio between the nose and the mouth is 1.618 - the mouth, when not smiling or anything, is 1.618 wider than the the nose. The length/height of the nose is the same as the mouth, provided you have the perfect face. Eyes and nose have same width. The sides of your jaw are 1.618 longer than the width of your mouth, etc. etc.

Of course most people will find that their faces don't match these proportions exactly - and that's what makes them average, and not a movie star or a model.

There are millions of examples that strongly imply - if not prove - that fibonacci rules evolution, looks and everything inbetween. It's all connected. Picrel is beautiful because it respects fibonacci sequence. Count the seeds if you like. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8....

Attached: download (1).jpg (259x194, 11.71K)


Apparently, you didn't understand jackshit. It's the other way around. Market predicts happenings - happenings don't predict the market. Yes, markets "react" to happenings, but funny enough, they're always ripe for it when it eventually happens.

In other words.. You can't make money from this. All you can do with this is to see when bad shit will happen. If you do some TA on the markets, it's obvious that they won't crash before late 2024 mid 2025.. Anyone with TA knowledge can see this. (most people day trade, so it's irrelevant for them).

All I'm trying to say is.. The charts aren't done mooning, but they will be sometime in 2024-25, and then some big shit will occur - and everyone will blame that happening for crashing the market. But the happening didn't crash the market, the market merely predicted the happening - whatever that might be.

I know I'm purposefully being a retard by saying this but by that logic wouldn't that mean that Jews manipulating the market could manipulate the fate of the future?
What is those CERNposting faggots aren't completely wrong?