Is Hunter Biden based?

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latinas are my favorite

If being a crackhead whore fucker is being based then yes

If you zoom in, the dude has genital warts. What the fuck

Extremely incredibly undeniably BASED

Nope. He's a degenerate, whore-mongering parasite.

Is this how Charlie sheen lived

I mean who doesnt like some head

"yes, but no"
>you will not have fun
>you will not have sex
>you will work and contribute to the GDP

Jeffery Dahmer sure does. Good for making broth and extracting IQ points

>Dead soulless fish eyes

How do people find this attractive? It makes me want to puke. I hate whores and their enablers

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What's this? Some spic whore is sucking him off?

no yellow

Based on what?

IDK but inverted nipples do things for me.

>spic whore
Whoa, Two words we don't use anymore

really makes you think

>Corrupt low IQ mafia criminal country
>Simps for drug dealers and whore-daughters

When Maddison Grant spoke of racial underclasses, he was referring to you.

for fucking aids ridden whores?

Shouldn't you be cleaning toilets

What's with all the boomer hate against hunter?

That awkward moment when you see your daughter is Biden's prostitute and you voted for Trump

He's a pedophile who raped his own niece before she was old enough to have pubic hair. He deserves to hang.

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OK, spic whore.

and aids

Jesus Christ I am so sick of seeing naked women and dicks. Just like in my life.
There was a time when it was special and exciting to see but now I just get mad desu.

Sex has been so absolutely weaponized against us that I'm starting to feel the same way about it as I do about all the globohomo propaganda.

Just another fucking thing these faggots have taken away.
Stand up white man. We need to take back the things that God has given US

Nice girthy dong

Kek get a load of this guy studying Hunter’s cock’s pixels

only losers pay for sex

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He's an unsalvageable demon sex pest.
Hate being reminded the thing exists.

Uh do you have uh proof?

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>Xbox controller on TV stand.

In one way or another everyone pays for sex. Some just choose the easiest and most direct payment option. I think it is degenerate too but who gives a shit.

why didn't they just Hunter a guy that arranged all this shit for him? Want a prostitute? call your guy. Some blow? call your guy? Your laptop broke? call your guy. It would have saved him all this heartache.

hey tranny, are you okay? I bet you watch Colbert

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Does anyone have a link to the hack of his documents?

true, we have an overload of nude and sex, but we are deprived from affection, the magic is gone

I wish I had a little niece to fuck.

Google al goldstein and mind geek

You do realize his job is to steal money from you, don't you? You're like one of those idiots who idolizes mobsters because you're too dumb to understand that they're just criminal niggers who aren't smart enough to make a living providing any form of valuable service.

Checked, and true. Lord satan approves.

Yes, Hunter is a modern day aristocrat who truly doesn't give a fuck.

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check the archives

wtf Hunter Biden is Latinapilled?!?!?!?

If there's no love involved it's just masturbating with a body, with bonus STD sauce.

Proper loving marriages are reciprocal.

Damn hunter gots a big ass dick bruh goddamn!!!

Hope you get raped to death by niggers

Wonder what his Xbox gamer tag is…


Never mind. That’s PlayStation.

Checked and chuckled

> If you zoom in

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looks like hunter has a good sized peen just another reason he is cooler than don jr

It’s been a while since I was involved in the hunter Biden stuff, but does anyone remember/have the evidence that he was fucking his niece or something?

There's enough evidence through his dick pics he had that tendon cut to make it longer as it doesn't point up at all and sticks straight out.

i will never get tired of seeing the son of the president of the united states of america rail a seemingly endless amount of drugs and whores on the taxpayer's dime.

Actually the more I see of him the more I like him. He’s like a lovable degenerate

more or less minus the gay sex.

I saw this earlier from 8kun. Look at the top row.

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he is degenerate kike

I mean yeah people typically go to prostitutes to blow a load and maybe try some kinky shit. They aren’t looking for soul affirming love and deep connection with another human. It’s satisfying a basic appetite in the most direct way.

no dummy, its the white ps4 controller


Attached: Tom Winter on Twitter- -NEW- The U-S- Secret Service says in a statement that they and their law enforcement partners are aware of online posts saying Hunter Biden-s current iCloud account was hacked and -are not i.png (577x259, 43.24K)

No. He is a degenerate. He is the kind of person who would have fled charges to Florida where extradition is tough to get & end up found dead somewhere after doing something stupid. An import who perpetuated the Florida Man myth, of which the vast majority are not even originally from Florida, yet instead are people fleeing previous charges elsewhere. Many such cases. He is a piece of shit.

Yes except he also had his own money to blow through. Also Charlie used real cocaine like an adult

>If you zoom in

A potential investigation just flew over my house!!!

Second marriage? I’d rather read.

Hunter the degenerate methhead?

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