I think Elon Musk is possibly doing cloning experiments on himself...

I think Elon Musk is possibly doing cloning experiments on himself. His first 5 children are the result of IVF treatments, which incase you don’t know means the egg and sperm are combined in a Petri dish and later injected into the womb of the would be mother.
The reason for this is because his first child died at 10 weeks because of SADS with his first wife Justine Wilson, although I fail to see the correlation between that child’s death and wanting to grow your offspring in a glass tube. He has a set of twins AND triplets with Wilson.

Our total is now 5, technically 6 if you count the deceased infant.

He’s been with Grimes in some weird, not exactly marriage but slightly more than dating relationship and they had a son, the one with the weird fucked up name X AE A-XII, seemingly out of normal procreation and then a daughter via a surrogate.

Only a couple weeks before the daughter was born, he had another set of twins, quietly, with the director of operations of Neuralink, bringing out total to 9 or 10 depending, again, if you count the deceased one.

What the hell is going on here?

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He wants a lot of kids and he has money. I wish i could do the same.

tfw you want lots of kids but ur gay.
>via a surrogate

Yeah but why all the twins and triplets. That’s cloning shit

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I read it was because of the fertility drugs that justine was on. I guess its a common thing. I guess if you look at just having a child is kind of a clone. But he has to use someone elses eggs.

>why aren't white people having enough children?
>billionaire white guy has lots of children
>n-n-n-no that's not what i meant reeee

>What the hell is going on here?
most men have an extreme drive to procreate and not just masturbate and nut on pillows for your mom to clean.
women don't have that desire as much as men, despite what society tells us.
The entire point of life is to spread your genes and only men can play an active part in this game. that is why their sex drive is so high while women are passive.
you never hear about men killing their own kids, but women account for 75% or more of infant murders.

you can just jerk off and wipe your hand on her vagina. worked for me. 3 kids so far. single though.

Women who make it to 30 without giving birth inevitably either settle for the best beta in arm's reach, stop taking birth control, or live the rest of their lives as empty husks

How is he not worried about these women trying to alimony rape him?

Amber heards child is also from elons sperm

he is jewish though

on the other hand, women that give birth before their late twenties are always fuckups and their kids are brats, usually raised without a father.

That is why we should promote surrogacies. Let women litter in their early twenties, take the kids to grown up families or rich singles, and boom, perfect genes and upbringing.

For real?

I just realised that's the plot of 1984 lol

IVF leads to dysgenic children. There's a reason millions of sperm are supposed to compete to fertilise the egg - and, frequently, NONE are good enough. All of Elon's IVF kids will be Hunter Bidens


One of these children is Seth Macfarlane who will be sent back into the past.

Itm, crackpot

IVF babies are dullards, maybe that's why one of them just came out as trans, God knows when you fuck up his creation and punishes the body for it

this pretty much that can also be a factor of why there is too many zoomer retards now. Lots of IVF clinics getting around creating retards.

I don't think stock holdings are income that can be taken from him, at worst they would get one of his houses or a portion of whatever he pays himself in salary as ceo, I'm guessing none of his billions in stock are possible to be touched

>The reason for this is because his first child died at 10 weeks because of SADS with his first wife Justine Wilson, although I fail to see the correlation between that child’s death and wanting to grow your offspring in a glass tube.
SADS is usually women smothering their babies out of either annoyance or post-partum depression.


Ok that's the negative view, personally I look at the positive view of always having twins, they can show up at events and pretend to be the other one, Elon is thinking tactically and might mk ultra his kids to work as soldiers for him

im the original artificial wombs user.

Attached: WOMEN REPLACED BY BRAINDEAD GIRL 4 + GOD - kopie.png (1625x1498, 1.24M)

the man has no house currently
he crashes at friends' houses
he's functioning on a level none of us can possibly understand

Based, how did bozos get half his shit stolen, was it not in stock or maybe she just didn't respect him

Elon just seems to have a different aura

>he's functioning on a level none of us can possibly understand
Kneel to your asperger overlord, neurotypical normalniggers!

yesss elongated tusk, spear me!

about that, tons of thots respond to his tweets, some blatantly offering to breed his babies, the other ones also blatantly there to attract the bull

Cloning is insane.

The entire purpose of sexual reproduction is to scramble the human genome like a code every generation. With 6.4 billion base pairs this is a formidable code. If any microrganism gets our number we're done. So we scramble our genitic code to keep one step ahead of them. Cloning subverts this strategem, and while it may salve the ego it's actually dangerous to humanity.

and this is a new phenomenon
MSM has made pages about his weird breeding fetish

X AE A-XII is an illegal name in America
Once again proving the elite can break any law they want
They make these laws just to control you
Rules for thee not for me

Hah his kids like "this is my teeshirt"

Headline: "Musk robbed by baby"

cloning is the most successful procreation in nature. plants and most microrganisms do exactly that and easily dominate their respective fields with their exact genes, while humans at best manage identical twins or triplets.

>American calls Jew "white guy"
I bet you still think Trump is white LMAO

have sex incel
