You have to admit, he wasn't a bad President

You have to admit, he wasn't a bad President.
Much better than Bush and Biden.

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Nigger faggot

Because of Obama's gas price hike my brother lost his house. The house he built himself. The only other people who worked on it were the electrician and the plumber.
Imagine losing a house you built with your own hands because of a faggot nigger and his tranny wife in the white house jacking up gas prices to help big petroleum companies.
Lubricate a wood chipper with this idiot nigger.

How does someone lose their house because of gas prices? They weren't even that high under Obama. I think you or/and your brother are full of shit.

Also based

>Because of Obama's gas price hike my brother lost his house.
how does this correlate

and you know what... notice how all those damn hurricanes always come from africa. you want to talk about haarp? africa is using haarp to shoot hurricanes at america as we speak

My taxes have only gone up every year since I became an adult.
Fuck all of them. You're a retard or a shill if you support any career or aspirational politician.

Ok, but he's black?

You say that bc Democrats and especially niggers gets supported by the entire establisht media

sorry idiot he was ran by the same people as Bush,Biden and the same idiot ruining your country

That's not exactly saying much. I'll give him credit for taking out bin Laden and for navigating the recession, but his entire second term was basically just trying to circumvent Congress and getting slapped the fuck down.

Someone list all his scandals.

>retard Bush and braindead Biden
thats a pretty low a bar

No which is why Joe Brandon got 12million more votes than Obama.

America in 2020 had a large population than in 2008 and 2012. The 2020 election was also extremely controversial after 4 years of Trumps shenanigans.

He still fucking sucked. He sucked ass, and he wasn't even an American citizen. Only the grotesquely retarded believed anything he had to say.

What a chad. Pebble watch. Desktop Magic keyboard w ipad (none of that folding case crap). I wish that were me.

>dumb redneck fell for the birther meme

You are so fucking retarded. I have both birth certificates on file, and the one he provided is obviously fake. It does not have a seal. That is why Joe Arpio was in jail. No other reason.

he was just as bad as bush

Attached: 1529815503572.jpg (800x450, 41.57K)

>it's fake because the tea party told me

It's fake because his brother provided a copy of his real birth certificate.

His funding of terrorists destroyed Libya and damned them to perpetual anarchy and turned the Syrian civil war into a perpetual meat grinder. He literally killed millions.

>he fell for the fake news