Plant Based Meat is the future

I have been trying to get vegetarian for some time now. Its very difficult after a lifetime of brainwashing. The other day I tried the impossible meat from qdoba, on a whim. I spent my money on fake meat which admitily didnt look as appetizing as the real meat.

But to my surprise. It tasted the same. I would argue that it tasted better. Guilt free. Smug. Yesterday I went to walmart and got a bunch of plant based meat to try. So far so good. You cant tell the difference guys.

Look. Im not here to convince you. Thats up to you. I will merely present the facts. The world is ruled by some ancient and evil cult that doesnt have humanities best interest in mind. They have socially engineered everybody through television. They want the damnation of your soul. For your vibrational frequency to be low. You were meant for more than this brother. You were meant to speak without speaking, to move without moving. To see without seeing. The consumption of flesh is satanic. It is a disregard for life, it is egoism that places yourself above others. The golden rule is treat others as how you want to be treated. This is not to convince you. This is a warning. There are karmic laws that the normal folk know nothing about. But if I were to guess, I would assume consuming sacred cow flesh isnt too good for your eternal soul.

Look at where we are at people. A world ruled by child cannibals. This is where meat eating eventually takes us. Depravity. Self destruction.

There is a better way. You know it. I know it. The child in your heart knows it. You are humans. You love animals because you are one. You know the joy of being alive. Let us not be blinded by our insatiable gluttony that we do see the inevitable price of it. Brother, mortal simian. You talk about striking at the vampires who rule us. We are their ghoulish servants.

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Have sex, incel

That's a man.

>Plant base
These people are so confused.

Wow he’s pretty cute for a man

You do what you want. I'll focus on raising and hunting the meat I wish to eat. As for fake meat, I would refuse to eat it as the amount of processing required to make it taste and look how it is must be ASTOUNDING. I wouldn't be supprised if it's more processed than a twinkie.

As for what else you believe...I'll just leave you to it.

Plant based meat is neither based nor is it meat.

Holy shit nigger you need some animal fats your brain is mush.

Like them we hunger for flesh, flesh that does not belong to us. Lets not dance around the bush. We are evil. We let ourselves make excuses for it. We lie through our teeth to be dishonest. Because we like the taste. Because were used to it. Because our gluttony, blinds us from the fear of Gods wrath.

Either its okay to kill babies or its not. Either its okay to torture animals or its not. If there is some divine unseen force that balances the scales, that holds evil accountable. It can only be guessed that the animal souls will beseech God for vengeance. And our just God will grant it to them.

You want to break from your bonds of servitude. Take back your righteousness. There is no greater honor for a man than to lead a righteous life. We are light incarnate. We are meant to protect this planet, not prey on it.

The fight for humanities salvation isnt with violence. Its with the raising of conciousness. If they cannot control our stomachs, they cannot control our minds. Flesh consumption is one of if not the final domino of lucifers reign over humanity. Porn doesnt hold a candle to this vice. It is the destruction of our souls. It is mindless hedonism, the incessant and cruel need to salivate over suffering.

Eventually, if you are high IQ. You will find yourself in my shoes some day. The finest steak will turn to ash in your mouth when you realize it is a trap. That the temporary enjoyment is not worth Gods disappointment.

Us humans are meant to be vegetarian symbiotic creatures. We take care of cows chickens and bees in exchange for milk eggs and honey. And we only take the excess, only the bare minimum. We are not parasites. Not predators. We are destined for great things. Our God will look after those who prove themselves worthy. Just as the devil offers his services to child sacrificers.

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Turkey bacon
Almond milk
Artificial crab

Veganism is a satanic death cult. Nothing about veganism helps animals, and veganism destroys the environment in a way no cattle rancher could even dream of.

Plant based
Pick one you idiot

You and your synthetic future will never come to full fruition.

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Isnt Veganism basically some HIndu cult from India?

I'm vegan somewhat so I sort of agree but
>Forcing anything on anyone
Gets you a free bullet to the brain.

Uh there are more ex vegans than vegans and the movement is collapsing. Carnivore diet is trending now cause guess what. Meat is healthy and good for you.

I agree, that surely its not the healthiest thing. But its healthier for your soul. I agree with hunting. I think its much better than just going to the supermarket of popeyes to throw shekles at the conveyor belt of endless suffering. However, I think the best form of hunting is primitive hunting. Using tools you made yourself. To balance the scales. Otherwise its too easy.

I will never surrender by beer battered Lake Huron perch.

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Enjoy the low t from the phytoestrogens and hypertension from the sodium unless you're making everything from scratch for all meals everyday. Sure, humans are omnivores but grains, fruits, and veg were hard to come by before cultivation.

t. ex-vegetarian for 15 years.

> I have been trying to get vegetarian for some time now. Its very difficult after a lifetime of brainwashing.

user, I...

Sure. But to the extent that we do now? Literally every bite us americans take has flesh in it. Flesh consumption is so americanly iconic, its our namesake.

We could easily do a handful of mussels at the end of every week. Mussels dont have a central nervous system, and while they are alive. Its less of a karmic injustice than eating veal or foie gras.

We can be better is all Im saying. I see a way out. I see ascension from the mortal coil.

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looks like a nigger

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>i agree with hunting
you've never even lifted a finger when it comes to hunting, have you? Veganism is made for the slave caste of mankind. Look at indians and how short and ugly they are. They were made to eat plants whilst looking after the Aryan's cattle. Pure slaves.

I never mentioned veganism. Even the healthiest person in the world, still has to die someday. Only a righteous soul can buy you a second chance.

Never mentioned veganism. You are a slave in your own body. You couldnt give up the meat if you tried.

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How about meat based plants?

No. Hindus (Dindus) are somewhat vegetarian, they won't eat cows, but they drink cow milk. But they eat chicken so it's just their flavor of diet.

Vegans grew out of the British vegetarian crowd, the vegans were vegetarians who decided to avoid all milk, cheese too etc, in addition to just meat. Like vegetarians who got even stricter.

Most vegans end up incredibly weak and sickly and die young. But the first vegan, Donald Watson, lived to 96 with a sound mind. It's been downhill since then for for starvation cult.

>Guilt free.
poor plants, you son of a bitch will feel the guilt forever

It doesnt have to be vegan death cult or endless consumption of suffering. Im saying we can take only what we need from it. WE dont even do that. We dont this for survival, but indulgence.

Uhm user I'm sorry to disappoint you but every meat is plant based.
Cow eats grass and turns it into meat. Seems pretty plant based to me

Veganism = anti-meat. Since we discovered to farm in grains, "veganism" was made to enslave the lower caste, especially south asians. The tallest, strongest people in the world are carnivores (White Europeans). Whilst the weakest (South asians) literally worship animals. Why? because they were taught to look after the livestock of their superiors.

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Listen to this plant-phobic sonofabitch act like plants don't have fucking feelings. Enjoy your plant murder, you fucking monster.

I just wish americans could stop enforcing and shoving these kinds of shit down our throats.
Almawt li amrika, seriously, you guys

Cool. I raise my own meat. You eat the fake meat and bugs and I will do my thing. Isnt America great? I shoot 2 deer yearly, raise and process sever hundred chickens and raise and process 1 or 2 lambs yearly. This year I'm going to try and not process any lambs because holy fuck the market is going to be good.

Even the plants have life, and we should thank God for their sacrifice. But because we need to eat something, let us choose to eat them. This self sacrifice in which you give up something you all love, because you realize its inconsistent with moral ethical values, it will open the doors to higher planes of thinking. You are what you eat. When you consume flesh, you become evil. Uncaring. Unkind. Selfish. That is the best reason to stop eating the meat. Because it poisons your mind, it destroys your character.

Youre all lying evil monsters. You say you love animals but you pay for their torture and killing. Wheres the honor in that. Its just egoism. Just selfishness. Just servitude to satan. I say no. I will have control of my flesh and drive out the devil within.

Okay spic