I saw this greentext on Any Forums and I immediately realized why the left is winning the culture war...

I saw this greentext on Any Forums and I immediately realized why the left is winning the culture war, all it takes to make a guy lose all interest in conservatism is a nice ass

Attached: Schermata del 2022-07-11 22-36-42.png (1024x768, 238.85K)

I like a nice ass but I still hate jews

What linux distro is that?
T. Windows 7


>I like a nice ass but I still hate jews
you missed the point, the second people start getting laid often they start disliking the all 1950s conservatism
>What linux distro is that?
linux mint

Linux "fuck the jews" Mint
aka the only distro for White Men

Attached: linusmintisrael.jpg (957x421, 199K)

Doesn't matter, this guy is a loser racemixer anyway. White guys going for Asian women are the same trash-tier as white women who are getting fucked by Niggers

You dumb? If there were any marriageable women around men would be much less likely to be out fuckin whores. But all women are whores these days so what is a man to do? Retard

> all interest in conservatism is a nice ass
Are you a fool. He can fuck all the women he wants. Good for him.

A conservative doesn't need to be a puritan.

>"this man is not at fault for being a degenerate and putting off nice trad girls for complete whores!" "He can have it all!"
Do you realize you sound like every modern roastie?

according to christian morality you should
the second a guy could get laid with as many women he wants do you think he will still decide to marry a single girl and have sex only with her?

Eating out a hookers ass is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard, I dont do anal or rimjobs it is genuinely gross. Anal is just an unlubricated shithole, doesnt look pleasant and I'm scared of getting a poop nut in my japs eye.

I don't know why anyone would pick an anus over a nice wet pussy

Attached: sammie.png (743x743, 487.76K)

you get it, the second that a guy gets unlimited sex he become the same as the modern women he criticizes so much and wirth the current normalization of sex work it might not become as rare

1950s conservatism is 1920s leftism, we must go a few centuries back further

Fuck conservatives kek what did these niggas conserve?

> the left is winning the culture war

Attached: we are winning.jpg (300x292, 21.83K)


Attached: B3C84402-7305-473E-A387-C56E457A9A1C.png (717x888, 460.07K)

nice larp

what makes you think this guy is a conservative?

The modern incel is quite like a fat guy who doesnt allow him to have access to junk food but as soon as hes in an enviorment where junk food is around he just goes at it. The majority of Incels have a masturbation problem and if they could they would go and fuck majority of women like an absolute degenerate, the only thing stopping them is their inability to attract women.

checked and based. i find it gross looking even when a girl is dildoing her fart box instead of her hungry pussy. just looks wrong. the jeweled plugs are acceptable though.

You don't need to be a 1950's-tier normie to want sound money, restricted immigration, right to defense of self and property, and removal of jewish influence. That's a false equivalence pushed by demented little faggots who want to keep us in dark times.

he said it in the greentext
user you literally described paleoconservatism, the ideology the was prominent in the 50s

what about arch linux?

pretty good but you need a lot of trial and error when you first start using it.
mint is more beginners friendly