Are African dads chad?

This is undeniably based and if every black dad in the US did this blacks would be able to swim!

Attached: chad father.png (663x505, 507.03K)

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Oh and related video!

Africans have dads?

Good form.

There's nothing "based" about absent fathers, you blithering idiot.

kid is already wet

Blacks don't have dads.
/argument invalid

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Well this one had the instinct/intuition that babies can swim just fine on their backs!

Most African tribes are considered matriarchal because often times the women don't know who the fathers of their children really are and the children themselves are for the most part raised communally by the mothers while the men just do their thing.

Kek what was that protest again? Is it on YT?

Kinda like the hood! sheeeiiit

>Wi bough tis phool, naw yu muzz siwimm

To be fair thats how I was taught to swim.


In africa they have dads, its only in western nations that somethign happens genetically to niggers that as soon as they are born their fathers disappear.

To be fair my dad did this to me and I beat his ass in front of all his friends at his favorite bar when I was 21, remember dads, you get older I get stronger. That shit didn't teach me how to swim ether, I just sunk to the bottom and crawled out

your kid would fucking drown retard

just stepping out to get some menthol smokes.

I think the only solution to niggers, kikes and other non whites is mass genocide.

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My dad's dad (who I think helped bomb innocent Germans after WW2) did that to him and I think it fucked him up so much he decided he wasn't going to raise or discipline me at all or push me to be a man at all. COOL FAMILY I GOT OVER HERE LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE JEWISH SIDE
(dont marry khazar milkers, its a trick)

charcoal chad

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