Oklahoma bombing 1995

Any good redpills on this? Was it provoked by the (((government))) to crack down on militias and gun owners?

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The first responder cop that was on patrol got there after a few minutes.
A day later his body was found in a field. It was ruled suicide despite the fact it was clear he was handcuffed and then dragged to the field before being executed.

Controlled demolition of an empty government building, they used crisis actors and fake blood to trick you that people died

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Don't forget about the clinton investigation papers

well it was on the 5(?) dollar bill issused in the 80s

>The first responder cop that was on patrol got there after a few minutes.
>A day later his body was found in a field
Reminds me of similar case in Poland. I guess the methods are the same everywhere.

Youre talking about Terrance Yeakey, he knew the event was a DRILL, he was going to expose before he was murdered

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I forgot the name but I remember his story well

theres plenty of redpills for this situation,
what about the van in an army tent before the bombing?

Had nothing to do with the clintons you dummy, you jews needed to scare the world about “muh ebil white nationalists” so you used your mcveigh ACTOR to play the role

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There were evidence in a clinton investigation in the fed building that were destroyed

Elohim City
Who wad arrested with Tim when the police caught up with him? A: German army officer.

I'm sad we haven't had an actual habbening on that scale from a domestic terrorist since.

Remember: Tim supposedly did this as act in revenge for the Branch Davidian attack.
Remember: the bomb used was supposedly designed by Filipino al qaeda.

You jews use “muh clintons” to distract from whats really happening....NOBODY DIED...in this iconic photo, you can clearly see the childs leg is not broken and they put tomato paste on his head

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Jesus Christ really?

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You absolute nigger. The evidence was allegedly destroyed in the blast but was liquidated beforehand.

There was a really good red pill on this back in the day on a show called Caravan to Midnight. It was about a guy who confessed to working for the government, doing bad shit, and when he was at the end of his glowie career, he was approached and offered too little money for a domestic job- OKC.

He got run over by cars and shit and framed for weapons charges, the government did a bunch to kill or completely ruin him.

So, this job wasn't just about a crackdown on militias. The covenant did 2 key things prior to this: exposed soldiers to depleted uranium without proper PPE, and most likely to anthrax car they have Saddam to begin with. This shit resulted in Gulf war syndrome. The DU would build up in soldier's bodies, even in the testes, and would transmit radioactive material to their wives during intercourse and cause birth defects. Uncle Sam was on the hook for millions and generation's of medical expenses. user, this was thoroughly investigated by the government, and they knew they were in trouble. Do you want to guess what building all of those records had been transferred to?

Hell, not to mention the Iraqis who were involved, and their abject failure to rig explosives properly lead the feds to have to "manually" lose all of the relevant records, while making the media immediately change the story they were running with.

His name was Cody Snodgress or Robert Snodgress, I forget which, but it was in Caravan to Midnight. I used to post links to it here and the threads died instantly, but now YouTube had taken them down.

This is even on kikipedia

YOU cannot prove that anyone died. The SSDI records no deaths in the county that day....it was all fake, like all your psyops

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Wasn't the gulf syndrome from some kind of vax they gave soldiers against chem weapons?

Nigger I never said that, you are so stupid it's painful to read


>crack down...on gun owners

It's funny because if anything this proves that "le assault rifles" are pointless to ban when far more devastating attacks can be carried out with household items. I say this every time some kike or memelord redd itor acts like banning guns will cure all acts of violence, guns aren't even a good mass murder tool, they're precision range weapons and good for defense and very targeted offense. If you want a mass murder tool, explosives are always the better tool.

to my NSA operative reading everything I say, do, and think, I have no intention of doing this, just stating the point that one is far more devastating than the other.

and evidence against HC was in that bldg
just like bldg 7 had all the kike fraud docs

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So you agree that nobody died?...if so, your clinton larp is meaningless....america is under military grade psychological warfare that goes way beyond “muh clintons”....you jews have utterly brainwashed the world since you won the war, just like Goebbels said you would

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They did take pills for that.
In the end there was no official explanation.
Everyone I know that came back from that became an insufferable alcoholic.

It was a few things, I wouldn't doubt any vax caused issues but there's not a vaccine against chemical weapons like Saddam had used on the Kurds. Those are nerve agents and they stop the enzyme acetylcholinesterase from working, so your muscles can contract but can't relax. Saddam had biological agents, though, that we gave him, and may have had our own exposed to it. Of course, we can't expose the fact that our soldiers were getting hit with our own biological weapons, so that had to be covered up as well

Gore Vidal’s profile of Timothy McVeigh, and the media’s failure to cover and investigate the incident, is the best introductory redpill to it and all of American politics.
>published Sept 2001 so no one read it when it would have mattered

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Notice how the building looks to have been blown outward, yet the "fertilizer bomb Ryder truck" was parked on the Street.

nope HC definitely ran that ops
stop encouraging schizos
muh Jews is a given
next step is always deeper
for instance 2008 crash was caused by Epstein

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I am the clear victor of this thread, I know what really happened in OKC, all you retards still think people died, go watch more “TV” and think youre educated

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>for instance 2008 crash was caused by Epstein
Dude I never heard anything close to that.
Do it. Tell me.

Here have a (you)

that's the story im most familiar with, ryder trucks and fertiliser like in the wtc.