NatSocs BTFO

NatSocs BTFO

Attached: file.png (628x874, 392.37K)

Other urls found in this thread:'sReich:7/Adolf-Hitler-NSDAP-Speech-Remastered:3

Attached: 1653961806802.jpg (389x261, 40.33K)

I only remember Hitler saying anything about ‘thousand year Reich’ once, and it was more like ‘we wish this Reich could last for a thousand years’'sReich:7/Adolf-Hitler-NSDAP-Speech-Remastered:3

>what is lend lease
then you'll say real communism has never been tried

12 years of hyper conformism and dictatorship

Attached: file.png (1000x500, 242.83K)


>communism has never worked - nor will ever work
>B-B-B-BUT WE BEAT THE NATSEES (with help from the rest of the world)

sage and leave redpills

Attached: sage.png (1156x2031, 289.83K)

Attached: Nazi Physical beauty.png (1185x636, 797.36K)

Attached: Imperial Russia guard.jpg (1956x1628, 857.82K)

peabrain take

Yep, that's how populist movements work if you could understand how to actually win people over to your side with your arguments.

Attached: Impeachment of Man - Savitri Devi _0000.jpg (319x413, 21.21K)

>Has to be crushed from the outside by 4 big Empires
>communism collapses on itself time and time again and has shit aesthetics on top of that
Shouldn't you kill yourself today?

I always love the
>it wasn't fair!
Cope. Communism had to fight the entire world too and it lasted much longer than your joke of an ideology

I would say this comic makes a decent point but not the one it intends to. It's basically a lefty propaganda image making fun of right wing propaganda. The comic says to me, "stop using the same fuckin' memes, make new shit." They're always coming up with weird new shit, throwing slogans at the wall and just seeing what shit somehow sticks. The right is more slow-moving and thinking, so catchy iconic things happen at slower pace. And memes tend to stick around longer here because they have deeper meaning than "NO KKK NO FASCIST USA".

>yes we are the side of mindless drones and we are proud of it!

>ignores Lend-Lease for the 10,000th time
>Muhh Gommunism

K…keep me posted

It was not being a mindless drone but to show we're all one unity with a common goal.

Why do people just pretend like the entire world didn't collectively team up to attack Nazi Germany from all sides

Needs more drag queen story time and twerking toddlers

When did communism fight the entire world?

have you taken your 4th booster, mr freethinker?

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>supported by American and British Empire
Almost as if Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same shekel.