Is Texas is so great, why didn’t it make the top 20 for GDP per capita? In fact...

Is Texas is so great, why didn’t it make the top 20 for GDP per capita? In fact, most of the states on this list are blue states. Why do you think this is the case Any Forums?

Attached: 6BADE19B-FA0D-4CDD-8198-528FFFF08F54.jpg (2192x2946, 1.01M)

because op is a faggot

too brown for that

If New York is that high up on the list, then GDP does not seem to be a good metric for livability.

>Muh GDP
Jewish claws created this thread

>Why do you think this is the case Any Forums?
Leftists are more likely to go into usury

there is a significant correlation with gdp per capita with how developed a place is
the only counterpoints would be cost of living + inequality (like in california)

Seethe bugman incel

I noticed that the other day. Literally a castizo society where the white settlers of Texas give it its prestige and wealth while the mexicans leech off welfare.

>per capita
We demand equitable wealth representation.

I wonder if the massive amounts of illegal immigration could be related.

>inb4 California
Southern California near Mexico is not great either. California makes almost all its money in the cities making entertainment and moving money around.

not gonna waste my time explaining things any non-retard would know

Attached: Countries_by_GDP_per_Capita_(PPP,_2012).svg.png (800x411, 105.76K)

GDP is a shitty metric.

There are nations that have high GDP due to oil, other natural resources or tourism, but they are actually shitholes to live.

Some nations have huge gdp due to socialist policies (goverment funding businesses through handouts and projects).

Do you really think Washington, where over 70% of population is black, is 3 times richer than Maryland? Nope

The reason, why those states are top, is simple:

They have a lot of goverment money, institutions and businesses that are living only because of tax payers money.

If we took out tax money, you would see very different list. California is only up there because of pi valley, but that is about to change.

I thought Texas was going to crush California. Now Texas can barely keep their lights on. And they have a shitty GDP per capita.

Sounds like you’re just making excuses

Bahamas 35k gdp per capita.

90% black

Absolute crime ridden shithole (exept the tourist spots)

If switzerland went full commie and started giving swiss businesses money they would double their gdp overnight. U dont understand how gdp works my friend

>I thought Texas was going to crush California. Now Texas can barely keep their lights on. And they have a shitty GDP per capita.

They cant keep up the demand due to population growth (illegal immigration)

Violent crime is extremely common in the Bahamas. The country is ridden with violent crime, and armed robberies, kidnappings, and murders are extremely common, usually not affecting tourists though violence towards foreigners has been on an increase during the past couple of years.
35k gdp per capita yet its worst than detroit

Because the average house doesnt cost 1,000,000 here. If you have higher cost of living, you will have a higher GDP and GDP per capita.
>tl;dr muh gdp

yes there are exceptions, especially states with high inequality and cost of living, which can mask the results
but it doesn't change the fact that there is a strong correlation between gdp per capita and development of states. Which is why africa is the lowest on the map, and europe is the highest.

Rolling blackouts is the norm in california for decades. Texas will always have higher expectations than any other state. One slip up and its the end of the world apparently

It says NOWHERE, who made this "list." If it's on Any Forums it must be true.