It doesn't look like Hunter likes Joe very much, between his journal scribblings and the whole "Pedo Peter" name

It doesn't look like Hunter likes Joe very much, between his journal scribblings and the whole "Pedo Peter" name.

Is he doing all of this on purpose? Is he trying to drag Joe Biden down?

Attached: 20220711_124451.png (518x389, 289.49K)

It would explain why he records all this incriminating stuff.

kek wtf is this from

Lol imagine hating a senile old man this much.

3 memeflags walk into a thread

>no malarkey

nah he loves his dad this is just the crack talking


is hunter biden Qanon?

checked, only because our flag is a joke fellow burger

>a human being is influenced by popular culture during an episode of withdrawal from crack god only the fuck know what
ya look pretty normal if you ever seen that kind of things

Checked. Q user identity confirmed

from crack and god only the fuck know what else*

No no, thats not what i said1!

Isnt Hunter like 50?
Why does he he still write on a journal like an edgy 14-15 year old?

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too late no take backs
sorry Fellow Patriot

Hi Rabbi, show real flag

>be faggot
>make fake hunter biden journal
>show to other faggots

Can user Translate the Latin at top left?

Youve cracked the code.

Why do you still watch children's cartoons?

It's because our civilization has run out of men, and just had manchildren and women.

Grow some balls and live up to your legacy.

Attached: 1_fMWUUhQenASwMo6zcM4fmA.jpg (1200x1622, 295.9K)

>Grow some balls and live up to your legacy.
Prison sounds like a terrible way to promote the white race

He got the boomer pout mouth right.

Attached: 22121532.jpg (700x525, 47.62K)

Imagine having joe biden as your father; what a fucking hellscape of a childhood Hunter must have had. He was probably pimped out to other influential people as a boy.


> Don’t you think the symbol of our country is a joke fellow goyim?

Lol, anglos aren’t symbol based like your primitive mind.

Hunter is the smartest man Joe Biden knows. You just need to hope the smartest man you know doesn't work against you.