Why is modern dating/relationships such a goddamned nightmare?

Modern dating is extremely exhausting and it's dying fast. And here's the thing that status quo justifiers don't get, you don't have to be an incel who has never touched a woman to hate modern dating. I have dated and fucked multiple women throughout the last decade (I'm 30) and I still resent the living shit out of the cesspool that is modern dating and relationships. I think anybody with a moral compass, anybody with common sense, and anybody who isn't a selfish prick will hate it all too. And I hate all the advice that goes with it:

>You need to be a "challenge" for women
So what? You expect me to just pointlessly withhold my affection and attention from my girlfriend/wife for the rest of my life? What kind of fucking life is that? Where you can't just have mutual love with your girl and rather always have to be unavailable, emotionally or otherwise? This philosophy of "the chase is better than the catch" is toxic bullshit that only degenerates and people with the attention span of a cockroach believe in. And no, it fucking isn't correct either. The idea of chasing women and making them constantly chase me is ludicrous bullshit. Is it so difficult to ask for? A relationship where we simply like each other and don't create forced, pointless drama just for the sake of some fake "excitement"?


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>If your woman misbehaves in any way it's your fault for not being a strong enough man
Fuck off. What the hell am I supposed to do if my girlfriend is acting completely irrational and will not listen to any of my advice or directions? How about for once we simply blame women for making stupid decisions that ruin their lives instead of always pinning things on the nearest man who tried his damndest to stop her from going off the rails but because we gave women freedom in so many of these western countries the guy has no legal or social ability to stop her?

>Women want a bad boy so be a bad boy
Again, fuck off. I'm not going to just throw out all my morals in order to bang disgusting women who think violent and unethical behavior is sexy.

>If there's the smallest problem with your partner, just let them go and find somebody else
What kind of disgustingly detached philosophy is this? Just run away at the first sign of problems. This attitude of "I'll just find another person if there's something I don't like about this one" feels repulsively dehumanizing to me. Like just keep throwing away romantic partners until you find your ideal? How about we learn to be more realistic and recognize that nobody is perfect and we need to overlook some of our partner's flaws while encouraging them to improve?

tldr OP is incel

>le ebin "incel" maymay

You're part of the problem

I long-since gave up on this, and decided for a life of celibacy. I now live to work, and because there's no reason to invest in a future, I give all my spare money to family and friends. Just gave my mother 10k to help pay for her home renovations.
Honestly it feels really good to just give like this without any expectation any return, I mean, what else would I be doing? What else would I be spending my money on?

Honestly idk. Partially to blame is shifting ideas of what it means to be a spouse and a woman, now both sides want to work and avoid each other, nobody wants to stay at home, attention spans are shit, women want you to be a top 20%er meanwhile they fall into the bottom 50% frequently. Everyone is drinking a medical cocktail of antidepressants and birth control daily. Only had one gf and she was all of those things in one. Thankfully I cut it off before it got serious. I have no idea how I'm going to find a moderate and decent woman. As long as she's not a screeching leftist banshee and wants to raise children far away from the cancerous cities with me and is willing to be loving and faithful, which I know seems like a lot, but if we have common goals all of them will fall into place.

We get it man you're autistic. Go to therapy

dude take a breath

>Modern dating is extremely exhausting and it's dying fast.
ive already checked out completely, no longer care, no longer chase pussy at all, I have my dog, my homestead, fishing, hunting, happier than ever and no HPV in my throat

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if you just bust a nut, you will notice right after that, you no longer care about a nagging hole

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A lot of people throwing stones at OP here without acknowledging the problem or offering solutions.

>You need to be a "challenge" for women

Most modern women find it a challenge to walk up a flight of stairs.

I had sex with a girl I met at a river this weekend, go do stuff instead of being online 24/7

>throw your money away retraumatizing yourself with someone who see you as a paypig.

tldr you are a nigger.

>or offering solutions.
if u need sex, just pay for a prostitute, simple solution

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Women are too fucked in the head to be part of anything good. Dating only brings misery, sadness, and blackpilled truth. It doesn't matter what you do, to them there is always someone better, even if there isn't. My advice, be the someone better guy they seek out when they are bored in their relationships. That way after you fuck em they have to go home

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There are no solutions other than celibacy.
No, fapping is not celibacy.

>>throw your money away retraumatizing yourself with someone who see you as a paypig.

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>There are no solutions other than celibacy.

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>Women are too fucked in the head

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Ahh, social media, women's best friend. I rest my case your Honor.

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>what am I supposed to do
calmly thank her for the chance to get to know her and go find another one. thats all.

We have to literally go full on handmaid's tale IRL to re-educate women worldwide and teach them to behave like women again.

Want to make a bet it wasn't her first one either?

Thank her? Lmao what

it's hard to find but you attract the wrong women. Everybody that is out there learns it. It sucks but it mostly has to do with some parenting problems and they are not consciousness of how toxic they are most of the time. It's the same for men tho but in other way, it's not a 'women problem'. Look for a good one but also don't be a giant pussy. Just be yourself and don't put them on a pedestal. Basically be who you are with your friends.

dating is just fuck n suck. form relationships with intrinsic value to your life. all problems solved.

>Why is modern dating/relationships such a goddamned nightmare?

It isn't.
You straight men ALWAYS had miserable shitty lives with women, women are like that.
It's just that you got brainwashed by porn and Disney into thinking marrying a woman is blissful and you will get this trad wife who will cuck and won't cheat on you with Tyrone.

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Good idea, I wonder why men, like myself, have never tried that before... It sounds so easy, why didn't I think of that... Oh. Yeah. Women... Right.

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>Why is modern dating/relationships such a goddamned nightmare?
(((The culture.)))

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have sex retard

He says, meanwhile gay men are the most promiscuous group on the planet.
Full of STDS, one night stands and cheating.
Cope harder faggot.