Black comedian CANCELLED over LGBTQ

American venue last minute CANCELS BLACK comedians over potentially hurt LGBTQ feelings amongst their staff. Can’t make this shit up.

Hodgetwins were set to perform at the Springer Opera House.

Leave these ‘racist bigots’ a good review for refusing the stage to our comrades.

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Not your personal army bro


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nypa, niggerlover

nah we got him on this
fuckin groomers need to bend the knee

Whose side are we supposed to be on?

Might as well bend the knee to Satan than faggot

Blacks should get cancelled just as whites get cancelled.
No special treatment. That would be racist.

Hodgetwins are based. No question.

basically the theatre cucked out because of tranny groomer pressure
So we should obviously be against the theatre to teach their establishment to not listen to their 'woke' staff.
Make them go broke, basically.

on what?

das rayciss

Dumb Hodgetwins too stupid to write up a contract with a cancellation fee

Anyone getting canceled in the name of 'lgbt' nonsense should be retaliated against.
If you aren't pro-pushing back against these mentally ill woke freaks, then you enable them and are basically a shill.

Neither. Just watching the left eat itself is entertaining enough.
Comedians vs the woke
Actual women vs trans women
Progressives vs moderates

The only winners are us .

Hodge twins are basically white.

Rock it like granny used to do it

Because I don’t want to leave a Yelp review for a place I’ve never been, for supposed comedians I’ve never heard of?

Good point, they’ll lawyer up for defamation regardless

>Whose side are we supposed to be on?
Chaos and pop corn

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You play both sides against each other to your advantage.

basically, become the jew..

Yeah, based on what?



Who the fuck wrote that email? It looks like something a drunk pig would type up in her dorm room.

fpbp, who gives a fuck about some conservatard mulattos

Fuck you bigot NIGGERS

I'm no fan, but I've watched a few videos of those guys and they seem to have noticed a few things.
They're not the bad guys, that's for sure.
Plenty enough of those to go around.