Proof moon landing was faked

Proof moon landing was faked

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Pretty sure they had weighted over boats

Most of what the government does is meant to convince you that it is more powerful than it really is

moon landing gay hentai

Its one small step for google
Giant step
For OP

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>plants vs zombies gay hentai

Muh add-ons


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how did they get a flashbulb to work?

I'm sure they did their moon walk in stitched sole boots with a stacked heal.

that’s likely a museum display

this video is all i ever needed to see. who tf panned the camera? who zoomed? how did graphics from the tv show lost in space get confused with an actual rocket taking off. look its shiny glitter effects from the supposed takeoff... then it floats away. if you think this is real life, i cant even look at you

All the proof you need is 50 plus years of no man returning. That’s it.

The terrestrial equivalent would be Mount Everest with no dead bodies over the years from failed attempts to reach its peak.

Humans like to conquer shit over and over.

For fuck's sake, stop posting shit like this or some retard will take it seriously. That sneaker/whatever is obviously what he wore inside the capsule or otherwise pressured and breathable space. Do you think that's a boot suitable for vacuum?

>plant vs zombies gay hentai

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"space boot" wasn't part of the suit they wore outside was it? Different shoes leave different footprints bro. Go back and look at the pictures of the shit they wore outside.

Moon landimg was attempted but had to be canceld and faked instead because americans have jews in holiwood and are talented to fake shit like that that
Both russians and americans agreed not to talk about ayyys because of panic factor
Medvedev said it openly, the ayy lmoa suitcase is more importamt than the nuke suitcase, ofcourse they are here and among us, where else would they be

OP btfo!

>source: his hairy bosnian ass

>muh fake moon landing
nigger you what? are you claiming that based von Braun 3.Reich NatSoc science and engineering couldnt bring humans to the moon? you fucking soja pilled babbie. you fell for a jewish psyop

That was worn inside another boot pic related

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What coomer level is plants and zombies gay porn?

The stupidity and laziness of conspiracy theorists amazes me. In less then a minute I debunked this shit

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The only proof you need that it's fake is that they refuse to do it again. All the Mars talk is meant to distract from that fact.

>in weightless space

please, continue, id like to know more.

>All the Mars talk is meant to distract from that fact.

Noticed how many Hollywood flicks about Mars are known as flops?

I was balls deep into conspiracy theories until I learned physics and got my engineering degree.

you can look through a telescope and see the moon landing site retard.

Assblasted Kremlin nazi orcs have been forcing this fake meme for 50 years. 50 fucking years and still zero traction. Nobody ever falls for it.

So breathtakingly pathetic to prove on a daily basis what sore losers you all are.

bumping for making me smile

Cool man, mind sharing a few pics.

How did the soil maintain a sharp imprint when there's no moisture in the soil? You can even recreate this imprint on earth with sand.

The moon has gravity bro

no one trusts a dutch engineer. its like wanting a black doctor or african scientist.

Where did the rocket go? why spend billions on a rocket that didn't go anywhere?
Are you people genuinely retarded? serious question

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Good thing I'm not Dutch then

>conspiracy theorists
m8 it's the feds spamming this shit. they're sliding the entire board the last couple of days in case you haven't noticed.

They used slavic technology Teslas remote control. This whole planet is slavic clay.

>How did the soil maintain a sharp imprint when there's no moisture in the soil? You can even recreate this imprint on earth with sand.
Supposedly, the microscopic structure of lunar regolith is very sharp and powdery.

btfo Chang

It depends, what plants are involved?

you're just as schizo as these idiots

You absolute asshole.

or in this case, much less developed than it actually is. in truth we are technologically much farther ahead than the public knows, and the creation of Space Force was always heralded as the precedent that would eventually lead to soft disclosure.

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naw, the moon is INSIDE of weightless space too.

god mutts are teh dumbest

First of all, see Secondly, what exactly are you trying to imply? That a flashbulb doesn’t work without an atmosphere or without oxygen? They are literal lightbulbs, with magnesium wire and oxygen gas inside. They don’t rely on the external atmosphere to work.

>i can fly to a barren rock in space to show off
>barren rock
>in space
Why return?

Except the official story is that they didn't take any external light sources
>its a museum display
You admit they fake photos but still believe they went to the moon....

>you're just as schizo as these idiots
It's been proven that's the case. Just because you don't like the information doesn't make it incorrect you pillock.

You dumb dumb dumb dumb flat earther

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NASA stole the tax payers money and just broadcasted a movie made by Stanley Kubrick.

Until you electrically charge the power. Suddenly it does want to stick to each other and everything.
Every point you make now or will make as already been debunkered by either actual scientist or people like you and me on mythbusters.

It's a two-fold reason. Lower gravity, like 1/16 I think, and the soil particles being irregularly shaped rather than rounded due to lack of weathering effects on the moon.