Why do right wingers use Christianity to further their agenda?

It really pisses me off that right wingers use my religion to advance their racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and fascist agendas.
For example, when it roe v wade was repealed, I saw a lot of "Christians" claim that women shouldn't have body autonomy because life starts at conception. This is false and goes against Christian teachings, life starts when you exit the womb, this is what conception means. But yet right wingers who haven't even read the gospel use that talking point to control women's bodies. This makes me ashamed to mention my religious beliefs to good people around me. Christianity and being right wing doesn't mix. Jesus was a socialist during his life time and we were meant to follow his footsteps. These people don't represent Christianity. They're larpers and grifters who want to gain and maintain power through hatred, division, and lies...

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1st day on the job huh?

why leftoids use niggers to further their agenda?

Why not?

Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Left wingers just want to end systematic racism and unjust killings by the cops

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Matthew 7:1-2 KJV]

Jesus Christ commands his followers not to be judgmental towards their neighbors. Yet these right wingers can’t stop themselves from making arbitrary judgments about nearly everyone: LGBTs, single moms, people of color, immigrants, non-Christians, poor people, and just anyone who isn’t white, rich, male, and “Christian.”

>This is false and goes against Christian teachings, life starts when you exit the womb, this is what conception means.
Jeremiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. And before you went forth from the womb, I sanctified you. And I made you a prophet to the nations.”

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“Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?” [Matthew 6:26]

If the previous quotes make Jesus Christ sound mildly liberal, this one makes Our Savior sound like a Goddamned hippie Communist. Right-wing Christians love heaping scorn on people who get help from the U.S. government, with no thought to whether their troubles are temporary or they’ve paid into the system.

It really pisses me off that left wingers use my race to advance their patronizing, misanthropist, infantophobic, and totalitarian agendas.
For example, when niggerfloyd was killed, I saw a lot of "progressives" claim that the police shouldn't have authority because they are racist. This is false and goes against progressive teachings, negroes need protection because they are inferior, this is what racism means. But yet left wingers who haven't even read crime statistics worldwide use that talking point to control nigger bodies. This makes me ashamed to mention my racialist belief to good people around me. Progress and being leftt wing doesn't mix. Stalin was a socialist during his life time and we were meant to follow his footsteps. These people don't represent Progress. They're larpers and grifters who want to gain and maintain power through hatred, division, and lies...

This is a quote about lust and fatherlygood. Basically insinuating that in order to be a follower of christ. One must not be a dead beat dad

Social leftists can't even define their own terms consistently, never mind understand their opposition's They are a weak-minded plague on humanity.

Where did you hear that life begins when you exit the womb? Didn't St. John the Baptist jump for joy in the womb?

JUDGETH ALL THINGS, yet he himself is judged of no man" (1Corinthians 2:15).

Because it works and you can’t stop us lmao.

It's so funny how right wingers use "muh crime statistics" to claim there's any basis to their racism. Those statistics come from white supremacist polices that made black neighborhoods a warzone. Also a lot of these statistics are extrabated due to police locking up black men to fill their quota so they can be the macho heros they think they are.

Your religion is a Jewish psyop meme flaggot. Fuck you and your kike god

No, it doesn't work, you're making a mockery out of my religion

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And here comes the first anti Semitic comment
Color me shocked it tool this long

I shit on you and your pathetic Jew worshiping religion

You are the problem. You Zionist pieces of shit are too retarded to see that your religion is fake. You will be a good shabos goyim.

fuck off jew
nobody here wants to worship a jew
kill yourself and take your discord shill group with you

Okay incel, the only reason you hate Jews is because you're friendless and no woman wants to touch you so you use incel internet forums like these to find other weirdos like you and they all worship hitler because he's a weirdo everyone hates too.
Why don't you follow your furhers footsteps and kill yourself?

This. Death to Israel


I have 5 white children. Nice try moshe. You should follow the footsteps of your ancestors and climb into a hot gas oven.

Go back to redd it with your self replies faggot. You are not welcome here

Why do left winger use the communist manifesto to further their agenda?

Also why do they all have meme flag?