A message to defeatist/demoralized muslims

Your religion will not be lost, your rights will not be lost, your faith will not be defeated, under the condition that you be steadfast for the religion of allah, and EVEN if you do not, the religion of allah has men, created by him solely for this purpose, they raise his banner, they stand strong against his enemies and they seek nothing but his approval, and if we are not loyal to this cause, allah will replace us with a new nation, and they will not be like us in cowardice, spinelessness and fear, if the muslims ever abandon the war of islam, the war of religion, this titanic clash, then the almighty lord will manage it himself from above seven heavens, in these times, where the rightful, just and truthful are rare, there is no room for the cowards inside the circle of islam, they belong with the hypocrites, infidels and apostates.


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You VILL drink alcohol
You VILL smoke weed
You VILL eat pork
And you VILL be happy

A Jew wrote this

This guy isn’t actually jewish, but he is gay

A Jew wrote this

Wise words brother

Unfortunately many Muslims are just becoming eid or jumma Muslims, some people just hope to have something to do on Friday just to skip prayers

The only comfort is that by the time Islam start disappearing Christianity and other religions will already be long gone, at least we will say that we were the last religion standing

ninja are isis too?

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Begone heretic.


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did u drink your daily dose of camel urine today? do you chill it first or drink it warm?

>The only comfort is that by the time Islam start disappearing

Islam will never disappear, show flag.

>first LGBT mosque in Berlin
>first lesbian Imam in Marsellie

Keep worshipping your shitskin prophet. Keep telling yourself the lie of your religion. One day, when we have had enough of you, we will kill you and bury you with pigskins

You live in Jordan so maybe it’s different but in Turkey and Iran young people are openly declaring their apostasy, even MBS is viewed positively by the younger generation even thoguh he is borderline kufr, Tunisia has removed Islam from the constitution

Stop being in denial, but we should tart focus on quality instead of quantity

which of the saudi families paid you?
wahhabism will die. the next generations of muslims will be liberal muslims and their children will eventually abandon the death cult

And where exactly is Christianity better? They same almost the same things as the Quran, if you denounce Islam but not Christianity you’re just being hypocrite, go worship your Jewish savior.

2 more weeks
No matter what happens, no matter what the tyrants do and change, no matter how many leave or how many make a mockery, the word of god will be preserved, have faith.

How is the situation in Indonesia? I heard there was an island where they introduced sharia law

Also you’re 200 millions so I imagine it depends where you are

Spreading globohomo to own le evil mooslims, thanks Mr penal colony.

Is this Loss?

Indonesia is a populous country so it is not surprising for someone to have such bizzare ideas such as yourself, but i see that many parts of indonesia have good muslims alhamdulillah.

wagmi muslimbros

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Don’t worry worst case scenario the ummah will just become secular conservative instead of Islamist conservatives, the family values are just too strong, unlike westerns who only care about themselves and preach individuality while being depressed and alone inside

that small province is more of a problem than something to be proud of
yea no shit asshole you fucks keep giving money to extremist preachers who wish to turn moderate muslims in this country into racist walking IEDs

Don't guys have similar rules when it comes to food and drink anyway?

You are vexed by us spreading the light of islam, good, and there is nothing such as moderate muslims, x muslims or y muslims, just muslims.

By 2030, 'saudi Arabia' will no longer exist.
The saudi criminals will have fled to go live in France or some such rich shithole with their suitcases filled with diamonds and russian whores.
Without the saudis, islam will slowly evolve and the region will become far more stable.

Well good thing they are in a small island then

Honestly I can’t stand Wahhabism or Saudi, they made a mockery out of Islam and what was once considered a religion of science and revolutionary inventors has become just an image of violence and hate, especially for other Muslims who are not wahabi enough

I wonder if KSA is still financing Wahhabism, after all MBS sounds and speak more like a closet atheist than anything

Show me your flag, im curious, you sound like a LARPer/glowie or maybe a libslim.

Yeah you say that and yet wahabi will just call every sufi or Shia an apostate, you call for tolerance and yet you don’t care when talibans or isis go around blowing up Shia hazara mosques

Wow, this wahhabi boogeyman propaganda has gone too far, truly the western propaganda machine is something else, it even has "muslims" criticizing islam in the name of not being wahhabi, next thing cucks like you will disown salafism, read my OP post again.